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Created May 28, 2014 14:38
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W3C HTML Sitemap-based Site Validator
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string]$SitemapUrl,
function Validate($url) {
if(-not $url.StartsWith("http")) {
$parsed = [System.Uri]$SitemapUrl
$url = "{0}://{1}{2}" -f $parsed.Scheme, $parsed.Host, $url
try {
$test = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($test.StatusCode -ge 300) {
Write-Warning ("{0}: HTTP {1}" -f $url, $test.StatusCode)
} else {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ("{0}&output=json" -f [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($url))
$errors = $result.messages | Where-Object { $_.subtype -eq "error" }
$warnings = $result.messages | Where-Object { $_.subtype -eq "warning" }
$message = ("{0}: {1} Error{2} {3} Warning{4}" -f $url, $errors.Count, @{$true="s";$false=""}[$errors.Count -gt 0], $warnings.Count, @{$true="s";$false=""}[$warnings.Count -gt 0])
if ($warnings.Count -gt 0 -or $errors.Count -gt 0)
Write-Warning $message
} else {
Write-Host $message
} catch {
Write-Warning ("{0} {1}" -f $url, $_.Exception.Message)
} #This is bad at handling 404's
[xml]$sitemap = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($SitemapUrl)
$urls = $sitemap.urlset.get_ChildNodes() | foreach { $_.loc }
$i = 0
while($i -lt $Max -and $i -lt $urls.Count)
Validate $urls[$i]
$i = $i+1
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