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Created November 5, 2021 14:57
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import * as React from 'react'
import {useLocation} from 'react-router-dom'
import {useTransition} from '@remix-run/react'
import {useBeforeUnload} from 'remix'
import {useSSRLayoutEffect} from './misc'
let firstRender = true
let positions: {[key: string]: number} = {}
const SESSION_STORAGE_KEY = 'kody_scroll_positions'
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
try {
positions = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(SESSION_STORAGE_KEY) ?? '{}')
} catch {
// shouldn't have to do it this way
type LocationState = undefined | {isSubmission: boolean}
export function useScrollRestoration(enabled: boolean = true) {
const location = useLocation()
const latestLocationRef = React.useRef(location)
React.useEffect(() => {
latestLocationRef.current = location
}, [location])
const isSubmission = (location.state as LocationState)?.isSubmission ?? false
const transition = useTransition()
const hash =
typeof window === 'undefined' ? location.hash : window.location.hash
React.useEffect(() => {
if (transition.location) {
positions[location.key] = window.scrollY
}, [transition, location])
React.useCallback(() => {
positions[latestLocationRef.current.key] = window.scrollY
sessionStorage.setItem(SESSION_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(positions))
}, []),
useSSRLayoutEffect(() => {
if (!enabled) return
if (transition.state !== 'idle') return
if (isSubmission) return
// don't restore scroll on initial render
if (firstRender) {
firstRender = false
if (hash) {
const el = document.getElementById(hash.slice(1))
if (el) {
el.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'})
const y = positions[location.key]
window.scrollTo(0, y ?? 0)
}, [transition.state, location.key, hash, positions, isSubmission])
export function RestoreScrollPosition() {
return (
// restore scroll position ASAP:
// doing it inline like this means scroll position will happen before the page is hyrdated
// (or even if it's not).
__html: `
// yo, this code here ensures that you have a most excellent scroll management
// experience on the site. It's inline to make sure your scroll position is
// restored asap when refreshing or navigating back to the site using the back button
window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'
try {
const positions = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(${JSON.stringify(
)}) ?? '{}')
if (window.history.state.key) {
const storedY = positions[window.history.state.key]
if (typeof storedY === 'number') {
window.scrollTo(0, storedY)
} else {
// we want to make sure there's a key so the position can be associated
// with the key and restored if they leave and come back.
window.history.replaceState({key:}, null)
} catch {
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