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Created October 23, 2012 17:19
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Save kenton/3940171 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
promo_code_requires_logged_in_user: "You must <a href='#' id='promo_code_passenger_details_link' class='register_link'>enter your passenger details</a> or <a href='#' id='promo_code_login_link'>login to your account</a> in order to apply this promo code."
var del_card_id = false;
var spinner = "<img src='/images/shared/blue_spinner.gif' alt='please wait' />";
// cache the last checked email and status
var last_email_checked;
var last_email_checked_result;
// config settings for passenger phone number validation
var VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT = /^[\d\s{1}\-()\.]*$/
$('.adjustable_ride_pricing #recalculate_adjustment_btn').live('click',function () {
$('.ui-dialog #save_adjustment_btn').live('click',function () {
if( !$('#reservation_request_submit').is(':disabled') )
// Turns all the drop off input fields to in/active based on if the box is checked
$('#reservation_request_dropoff_same_as_pickup').click( function(){
if($('#reservation_request_dropoff_same_as_pickup').is(':checked') ){
//checked same-as
if($('#reservation_request_dropoff_same_as_pickup').is(':checked') ){
//checked same-as
// on an hourly ride set the drop-off street address to the pickup street address
// when the 'Same as pick-up address' is checked
$('#pickup_address_street1').change( function(){
if($('#reservation_request_dropoff_same_as_pickup').is(':checked') ) {
$('table#reservation_request_pricing_summary #orig_rate').click(function () {
var origValue = $('table#reservation_request_pricing_summary #orig_rate').html();
$('table#reservation_request_pricing_summary #orig_rate').replaceWith('<input type="text" size="6" maxlength="6" id="new_value" style="width:50px" />');
$('table#reservation_request_pricing_summary #new_value').val(origValue);
// Wire up ajax
// Handles click for the search result vehicles and swaps out the details div.
$(".rr_vehicle_list_item").click(function(e) {
// This is the reservation request uuid
var rid=$('rel');
// Find the dimensions of the link and set the spinner div to the right of that
var id='#'+$('id');
var offset=$(id).offset();
var o_width=$(id).outerWidth();
$('#vehicle_profile_spinner').css('left',offset.left + o_width + 10);
$(window).scrollTop(0); // forces the page to go back to the top, for big lists of vehicles
return false;
// Handles switching of form elements on the res req page for private charter flight
$('#reservation_request_is_private_charter_flight').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#tr_flight_no').append('<div id="tail_number_note" class="note">Terminal, FBO, Arrival Time</div>');
} else {
$('#reservation_request_flight_number').val('Flight Number and Departure City');
if ($('#dropoff_address_street1').val()=='' && $('#dropoff_address_city').val()=='' && $('#dropoff_address_state_province').val()=='' &&
$('#dropoff_address_postal_code').val()=='' && $('#dropoff_address_country').val()=='') {
//Hide passenger_email_text if no email is present (which occurs if you did not hit the CD page or log in)
if ($("#passenger_email_text").html() == '') {
$('#edit_reservation_request').submit(function(){ return validate_checkout_form({shield:true}) });
// track 'How It Works' dialog
$('.howitworks').click(function(){ _gaq.push(['_trackEvent','reservation-request','how-works-overlay']) });
// TA account logged in as someone else, set to primary passenger
if( is_travel_assistant ){
$('.passenger_list').get(0).selectedIndex = 1;
// $('#add_new_passenger').hide();
// don't remove the option to create a new passenger in new TA UI
// $(".passenger_list option[value='new']").remove();
$('.passenger_list').change(function() { set_passenger(); });
$('#pick_passenger').click(function() {
$('#label_full_name').html('Primary Passenger');
$('.passenger_list').get(0).selectedIndex = 0;
return false;
$('#add_new_passenger').click(function() {
if( save_pass_vals ){
save_pass_vals = false; // only do it on the first run
$('#label_full_name').html('Full Name');
$('#passenger_first_name').val('First name');
$('#passenger_last_name').val('Last name');
$('#passenger_first_name, #passenger_last_name').addClass('text-input-help');
$('#reservation_request_special_requests').attr('refid','Please provide additional ride details like apartment number, child seat request etc.');
return false;
return false;
$('.payment_methods').click(function() {
var pmt_method_id = $(this).val();
// hide/unhide the Edit card links
$("#payment-info a[class='edit_card']").each(function(i,o) {
if ($(this).attr('pmt_method_id')==pmt_method_id) {
} else {
if (pmt_method_id=='0') { // 0 means new payment method
$('#pmt_method_0').load('/my-account/payment_method/new/'+rrid, function(){
cvv_tip(); // need to re-run the tiptip setup since the fields were not there for the initial run
bind_billing_address_sameas(); //need to bind adress same as checkbox since fields were not there
else {
country = $(this).val();
if( country == "US" || country == "CA" ) {
else {
$('.edit_card').live('click', function() {
var pmt_method_id = $(this).attr('pmt_method_id');
$('#pmt_method_'+pmt_method_id+' .edit_expir').show();
return false;
$('.edit_card_cancel').live('click',function() {
var pmt_method_id = $(this).attr('pmt_method_id');
$('#pmt_method_'+pmt_method_id+' .edit_expir').hide();
return false;
$('.edit_card_save').live('click', function() {
var pmt_method_id = $(this).attr('pmt_method_id');
// submit via ajax
var protocol = 'http://';
if (!is_dev) protocol = 'https://';
var url = protocol+host+'/my-account/payment_method/'+pmt_method_id;
var month = $('#saved_payment_method_'+pmt_method_id+'_expiration_month').val();
var year = $('#saved_payment_method_'+pmt_method_id+'_expiration_year').val();
var data = 'payment_method[expiration_month]='+month;
data = data + '&payment_method[expiration_year]='+year;
data = data + '&_method=PUT';
$.post(url, data, function(r) {
if (r.status=='success') {
$('#pmt_method_'+pmt_method_id+' .edit_expir').hide();
var msg = "<span class='msg saved'>&nbsp; Saved!</span>";
$(msg).insertAfter( '#edit_card_'+pmt_method_id ).effect("highlight", {color:"#FEFFAF"}, 4500, function(){ $(this).fadeOut('slow') } );
$('#expdate_'+pmt_method_id).html('exp '+month+'/'+year);
} else {
var validation_errors = '';
for (i=0; i<r.errors.length; i++) {
validation_errors += (r.errors[i].attr + ': ' + r.errors[i].msg + '<br/>');
$('<div>'+validation_errors+'</div>').insertAfter( '#pmt_method_'+pmt_method_id ).effect("highlight", {color:"#FEFFAF"}, 4500, function(){ $(this).fadeOut('slow') } );
}, "json");
return false;
$('#pmt_delete_dialog').dialog({bgiframe:true, autoOpen:false, resizable:false, height:140, modal:true, width:400,
buttons: {
Cancel: function() {
'Confirm': function() {
// submit via ajax
var protocol = 'http://';
if (!is_dev) protocol = 'https://';
var url = protocol+host+'/my-account/payment_method/'+del_card_id+'/destroy'
$.post(url, function(r) {
$('#pmt_method_'+del_card_id+' .edit_expir').hide();
var msg = "<span class='msg saved'>&nbsp; Deleted!</span>";
var p = $('#card_payment_method_saved_id_'+del_card_id).parent();
$(msg).appendTo( p ).effect("highlight", {color:"#FEFFAF"}, 4500, function(){ $(this).fadeOut('slow') } );
}, "json");
$('.edit_card_delete').live('click', function() {
del_card_id = $(this).attr('pmt_method_id');
var ending_in = $('#ending_'+del_card_id).html();
$('#pmt_delete_dialog_msg').text('Are you sure you want to delete the card ending in '+ending_in+'?');
return false;
$('#reservation_request_set_ride_purpose_as_business').change(function() {
if ($(this).val()=='false') {
} else {
$('.optional_signin, #close_res_signin').click(function(){toggle_signin_link()});
window.scrollTo(0,0); // scroll to top
$('#promo_code_validation_message .promo_code_login_link').click(function(){toggle_signin_link()});
if( this.checked ){
//only check corp email if not logged-in
//overrides the log-in and reserve buttons
if(!authed) check_for_corp_email();
// function highlight_phone() {
// if( $('#passenger_phone_num').val() == '' )
// $('#passenger_phone_num').addClass('highlight');
// else {
// $('#passenger_phone_num').removeClass('highlight');
// $('#passenger_phone_num').removeClass('error-field');
// }
// }
function toggle_signin_link() {
$('.optional_signin').toggle('blind', 300);
window.scrollTo(0,0); // scroll to top
$('#res_signin').toggle('blind', 500);
return false;
function validate_checkout_form(options) {
var valid = true;
// clear out previous errors
if( !validateRequiredLabels() ){
valid = false;
if (!validatePhoneNumber()) {
valid = false;
if( typeof(passengers) != 'undefined' ) {
if( !$('.passenger_list').val() && $('.passenger_list').is(':visible') ){
$('<div id="passenger_list_error" class="error-msg">required</div>').insertBefore('.passenger_list');
valid = false;
else $('.passenger_list').removeClass('error-field');
if( $('#user_diff_from_pass').is(':checked') ){
var p = jQuery.trim($('#optional_password').val());
if( !p || p == '' ){
$('#optional_password').parent().find('div.err-msg').remove(); // remove any previous error messages so we don't get dupes
$('<div id="optional_password_error" class="error-msg error-rel">Please enter a password when creating a new user account.</div>').insertAfter('#optional_password');
valid = false;
else if ( p.length < 6 ){
$('#optional_password').parent().find('div.err-msg').remove(); // remove any previous error messages so we don't get dupes
$('<div id="optional_password_error" class="error-msg error-rel">Please use at least 6 characters</div>').insertAfter('#optional_password');
valid = false;
else if ( p.length > 40 ){
$('#optional_password').parent().find('div.err-msg').remove(); // remove any previous error messages so we don't get dupes
$('<div id="optional_password_error" class="error-msg error-rel">Please use less than 40 characters</div>').insertAfter('#optional_password');
valid = false;
if ($('#reservation_request_set_ride_purpose_as_business').val()=='true' && !validateExtraFieldSpecFields(2)) {
valid = false;
if (valid) {
// Remove 'disabled' attribute from the passenger email to make sure the browser sends it
if( typeof reserving_text == 'undefined' )
reserving = 'Reserving';
reserving = reserving_text;
if( options && options["shield"] != false ) shield('reservation_request_submit', 'cancelreserve', reserving, reserving);
return true;
} else {
if( $('select.error-field, input.error-field').length > 0 ) $('select.error-field, input.error-field')[0].focus();
return false;
function validatePhoneNumber() {
var phoneNum = jQuery.trim($('#passenger_phone_num').val());
var phoneNumLength = phoneNum.replace(/\D/g, '').length;
var validPhoneNumberFormat = VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT.test(phoneNum);
var msg = "";
var isValid = true;
rmErrMsg('#passenger_phone_num', 'passenger_phone_num_error');
if (!validPhoneNumberFormat) {
msg = invalid_phone_num_format_msg;
isValid = false;
if ((phoneNum == '') || (phoneNumLength > MAX_PHONE_NUM_LENGTH) || (phoneNumLength < MIN_PHONE_NUM_LENGTH)) {
if ((msg == "") && (isValid == true)) {
msg = invalid_phone_num_length_msg;
isValid = false;
if (isValid) {
rmErrMsg('#passenger_phone_num', 'passenger_phone_num_error');
return isValid;
} else {
addCustomErrMsg('#passenger_phone_num', 'passenger_phone_num_error', msg);
return isValid;
function set_passenger(){
if( typeof(passengers) == 'undefined' ) return false;
if( $('.passenger_list').val() ) {
else {
if( $('.passenger_list').val() == 'new' ) {
else {
if( !$('.passenger_list').val() ) return false;
// $('.passenger_list').removeClass('error-field');
var p = passengers.list[$('.passenger_list').val()];
if (p.travel_preferences && p.travel_preferences!='') {
if( == myPassId && $("#bizuserfields").is(':hidden') ) {
else if( != myPassId && $("#bizuserfields").is(':visible') ){
if( == myPassId && authed ){
else {
function deactivate_dropoff_fields() {
//copy address from pick-up address
$('#dropoff_address_description').val( $('#pickup_address_description').val());
$('#dropoff_address_street1').val( $('#pickup_address_street1').val());
$('#dropoff_address_city').val( $('#pickup_address_city').html());
$('#dropoff_address_state_province').val( $('#pickup_address_state_province').html());
$('#dropoff_address_postal_code').val( $('#pickup_address_postal_code').html());
$('#dropoff_address_country').val( $('#pickup_address_country').html());
$('#dropoff_address_description').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#dropoff_address_street1').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#dropoff_address_city').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#dropoff_address_state_province').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#dropoff_address_postal_code').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#dropoff_address_country').attr("disabled", "disabled");
function activate_dropoff_fields() {
// activate
function bind_billing_address_sameas(){
$('#billing_address_sameas').bind('click', function(){
if( $(this).is(':checked') ) {
if( $('#pickup_address_street1').length ) {
$('#card_payment_method_address_street1').val( $('#pickup_address_street1').val() );
$('#address_postal_code').val( $('#pickup_address_postal_code').val() );
$('#address_city').val( $('#pickup_address_city').val() );
$('#address_state_province').val( $('#pickup_address_state_province').val() );
else {
$('#card_payment_method_address_street1').val( $('#dropoff_address_street1').val() );
$('#address_postal_code').val( $('#dropoff_address_postal_code').val() );
$('#address_city').val( $('#dropoff_address_city').val() );
$('#address_state_province').val( $('#dropoff_address_state_province').val() );
//create hidden cloned input fields because disabled fields are not submitted with an HTML form submit
$('#card_payment_method_address_street1').clone().insertAfter('#card_payment_method_address_street1').attr("id", "card_payment_method_address_street1_clone").hide();
$('#address_postal_code').clone().insertAfter('#address_postal_code').attr("id", "address_postal_code_clone").hide();
$('#address_city').clone().insertAfter('#address_city').attr("id", "address_city_clone").hide();
$('#address_state_province').clone().insertAfter('#address_state_province').attr("id", "address_state_province_clone").hide();
$('#address_country').clone().insertAfter('#address_country').attr("id", "address_country_clone").hide();
$('#card_payment_method_address_street1').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#address_postal_code').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#address_city').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#address_state_province').attr("disabled", "disabled");
$('#address_country').attr("disabled", "disabled");
else {
//remove hidden cloned input fields because disabled fields are not submitted with an HTML form submit
function cvv_tip() {
$(this).attr('title', $(this).find('div.tip_content').html() );
$(".cvv_tiptipb").tipTip({hold:2000, extraClass:'big', maxWidth:'630px', fixedWidth:'630px'});
//these will only be called on un-authed users on reservation request page.
function check_for_corp_email(){
$('#btn_login_corp_diag').click(function(){ btn_login_corp_account_holder_dialog() });
$('#btn_cancel_corp_diag').click(function(){ btn_cancel_corp_account_holder_dialog() });
function btn_login_corp_account_holder_dialog() {
function btn_cancel_corp_account_holder_dialog() {
//clear out old login info
$('#res_signin #email').val("");
$('#res_signin #password').val("");
var div_to_focus = $('#corp_account_holder_dialog #div_to_focus').val();
// displays the dialog, or else attemps to log-in the user or reserve if they had clicked reserve button
function open_corp_account_dialog_if_true(open_dialog,action){
if(open_dialog == 'true' || open_dialog == true ){
if(action!='signin') {
$('#corp_account_holder_dialog_msg').show(); // swap the text of the message
} else {
$('#corp_account_holder_dialog_msg').hide(); // swap the text of the message back
} else {
} else {
// double-check the form is valid then unbind any handlers so we don't get caught in a loop, then submit
if( action=='submit' && validate_checkout_form() ){
interval = shield('reservation_request_submit', null, 'Reserving', 'Reserving');
clear_all_text_default_fields(); //need to manually call clear all default text because all form event handles were unbind.
// Reg Removal: Need to overide the global sign-in link in the nav on registration checkout page!!
$('#bannerNav a.signin').attr("href", "javascript:void(0);").click(function(){toggle_signin_link()});
function check_for_corp_acct(action){
var email_field = '#user_email';
var email = jQuery.trim($(email_field).val());
// if user field is blank, use the passenger email instead
if( email == '' ){
email_field = '#passenger_email';
email = jQuery.trim($(email_field).val());
// if email is still blank, then stop
if( action == 'submit' ){
// a second validation is run later after the corp check is done, but having this one here
// without blocking anything based on outcome still gives the user some visual feedback if there are fields
// to fix while the corp account is getting checked
if( email == '' ) return false;
var optional_password = jQuery.trim($('#optional_password').val());
// if the email we checked last is the same now, no need to re-run the ajax call
if( email == last_email_checked ){
open_corp_account_dialog_if_true(last_email_checked_result, action);
else {
$('#searchspinner').remove(); // remove any previous spinners, just in case
$('<img id="searchspinner" src="/images/shared/blue_spinner.gif">').insertBefore(email_field);
$.getJSON('/users/corp_account_holder', {"user_email": email, "format": "json"} , function(data) {
if(typeof(interval) != 'undefined' ) clearInterval(interval);
$('#res_signin #email').val(email);
$('#res_signin #password').val(optional_password);
$('#corp_account_holder_dialog #div_to_focus').val(email_field);
last_email_checked = email;
last_email_checked_result = data.result;
open_corp_account_dialog_if_true(data.result == 'true', action);
return false; // alwasy return false because open_corp_account_dialog_if_true will unbind handlers and resubmit
function check_for_registered_user(action){
var email_field = '#user_email';
var email = jQuery.trim($(email_field).val());
// if email is still blank, then stop
if( action == 'submit' ){
// a second validation is run later after the corp check is done, but having this one here
// without blocking anything based on outcome still gives the user some visual feedback if there are fields
// to fix while the corp account is getting checked
if( email == '' ) return false;
var optional_password = jQuery.trim($('#optional_password').val());
// if the email we checked last is the same now, no need to re-run the ajax call
if( email == last_email_checked ){
} else {
$('#searchspinner').remove(); // remove any previous spinners, just in case
$('<img id="searchspinner" src="/images/shared/blue_spinner.gif">').insertBefore(email_field);
$('.savepw div.msg').slideUp('fast');
$.getJSON('/users/registered_user', {"user_email": email, "format": "json"} , function(data) {
if(typeof(interval) != 'undefined' ) clearInterval(interval);
last_email_checked = email;
last_email_checked_result = data.result;
if(data.result == 'true') {
$('.savepw div.msg').show();
$('.savepw div.msg .taken').show();
$('.optional_user #user_email').addClass('error-field');
$('.optional_user #user_email').focus(change_error_text_color);
else {
$('.optional_user #user_email').removeClass('error-field');
return false; // alwasy return false because open_corp_account_dialog_if_true will unbind handlers and resubmit
//Reg Removal: check corp email before reservation submit & when fields are updated
$('#edit_reservation_request').submit(function(){ return check_for_corp_acct('submit') });
$('.optional_user #user_email').change(function(){check_for_registered_user(false)});
//For the #passenger_email, which is the first email field on the page, we need to check for a corp account
* -----------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------
// Reg Removal: check corp email before login
function signin_validate_and_check_corp(){
var e = jQuery.trim($('#res_signin #email').val());
var p = $('#res_signin #password').val();
if (e=='') { addErrMsg( '#email', 'emerror' ); }
else { rmErrMsg( '#email', 'emerror' ); }
if (p.length<6) { addErrMsg( '#res_signin #password', 'pwerror' ); }
else { rmErrMsg( '#res_signin #password', 'pwerror' ); }
if (e!='' && p.length > 5) {
interval = shield('signin_btn', null, 'Working', 'Working');
// if we've already checked the email AND it is a corp, then we know
// the user wanted to sign in as a corp, so we can skip straight to part 2
if( e == last_email_checked && last_email_checked_result == 'true' ){
$.getJSON('/users/corp_account_holder', {"user_email": e, "format": "json"} , function(data) {
$('#corp_account_holder_dialog #div_to_focus').val('#res_signin #email')
open_corp_account_dialog_if_true(data.result == 'true', 'signin');
return false;
$('#signin_form').submit( function(e) {
return false;
// At this point, corp user wants to do a search under the corp account
// submits the special form that lives inside corp_account_holder_dialog div inside reservation_request.html.erb.
// expects /users/login to return a '/search/corprerun/:uuid' URL to be redirected
function signin_and_corp_research(){
//show the login area on top of res req page
if( $('#res_signin').is(':hidden') ) {
//check the email/password in login area
var e = jQuery.trim($('#res_signin #email').val());
if (e=='') {
addErrMsg( '#res_signin #email', 'emerror' );
} else { rmErrMsg( '#res_signin #email', 'emerror' ); }
var p = jQuery.trim($('#res_signin #password').val());
if (p=='') { addErrMsg( '#res_signin #password', 'pwerror' ); }
else { rmErrMsg( '#res_signin #password', 'pwerror' ); }
$('#res_signin #email').focus();
$('#signin_and_corp_search_form #corp_email').val(e);
$('#signin_and_corp_search_form #corp_password').val(p);
if (e!='' && p!='') {
var form = $('#signin_and_corp_search_form').serialize();
interval = shield('signin_btn', null, 'Working', 'Working');
$.post( '/users/login', $('#signin_and_corp_search_form').serialize(), function(d) {
var resp = eval('('+d+')');
if (resp.result=='success') {
parent.window.location.href = resp.redirect_url;
} else {
clearInterval(interval); $('#searchspinner').remove();
return false;
$('#corp_account_holder_dialog').dialog({autoOpen:false, resizable:true, height:220, modal:true, width:500 });
function update_reservation_price(uuid, is_tc, cancel_type, spinspot, spotafter, apply_promo_code){
//console.log("apply_promo_code value: " + apply_promo_code);
var stops = 0;
var meetinside = 0;
var return_date = false;
var return_pickup_time = 0;
var return_num_stops = 0;
var return_meetinside = 0;
var promo_code_name = null;
var apply_promo_code = apply_promo_code || false
var user_first_name = null;
var user_last_name = null;
var user_phone_num = null;
var user_email = null;
if( $('#ride_pricing_number_of_stops').length > 0 ) stops = $('#ride_pricing_number_of_stops').val();
if( $('#ride_pricing_meet_inside').length > 0 ) meetinside = $('#ride_pricing_meet_inside').val();
if( $('#return_date').length > 0 && $('#return_date').val() ){
return_date = $('#return_date').val();
return_pickup_time = $('#return_pickup_time').val();
if( $('#return_number_of_stops').length > 0 ) return_num_stops = $('#return_number_of_stops').val();
if( $('#return_ride_pricing_meet_inside').length > 0 ) return_meetinside = $('#return_ride_pricing_meet_inside').val();
if( $('#promo_code_name').length > 0 ) promo_code_name = $('#promo_code_name').val();
// get the passenger info for checking promo code per_user_limit if passenger info is filled in
if( $('#passenger_first_name').length > 0 ) user_first_name = $('#passenger_first_name').val();
if( $('#passenger_last_name').length > 0 ) user_last_name = $('#passenger_last_name').val();
if( $('#passenger_phone_num').length > 0 ) user_phone_num = $('#passenger_phone_num').val();
if( $('#passenger_email').length > 0 ) user_email = $('#passenger_email').val();
var post_data = { 'ride_pricing[number_of_stops]': stops,
'ride_pricing[meet_inside]': meetinside,
'return[date]': return_date,
'return[pickup_time]': return_pickup_time,
'return[number_of_stops]': return_num_stops,
'return[meet_inside]': return_meetinside,
'promo_code[name]': promo_code_name,
'promo_code[should_be_applied]': apply_promo_code,
'user[first_name]': user_first_name,
'user[last_name]': user_last_name,
'user[phone_num]': user_phone_num,
'user[email]': user_email
if( spotafter )
$("<span class='msg'> &nbsp; "+spinner+"</span>").insertAfter( spinspot );
$("<span class='msg'> &nbsp; "+spinner+"</span>").appendTo( spinspot );
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: '/reservation_request/'+uuid+'/recalc_price',
data: post_data,
success: function(d, ts){
// update total for the stops
$('#stops_to').html("= $"+d.additional_stops_amt);
//$('#stops_from').html(d.stops_from); // return trip: not used for now
// update the grand total (x3)
// everywhere that needs an update should have a class of 'gt'
$('.gt, .total .right').html("<span class='grand_total'>"+format_currency(d.grand_total)+"</span>");
// update the amount due now (x6)
// update amount due @ service time (x3)
if (is_tc)
// update service fee amount
$('.servicefeerow .right').html(format_currency(d.service_fees_rollup));
// add line item for stops in right column
$('.stopsrow .right').html(format_currency(d.additional_stops_amt));
var numstops = parseInt(d.number_of_stops);
if( numstops <= 0 ){ $('.stopsrow').hide(); }
else {
$('.stopsrow .ns').html(numstops);
// TODO: add a line item for meet inside fee in right column
$('.meetrow .right').html(format_currency(d.meet_inside_amt));
if( d.has_meet_inside != true ) $('.meetrow').hide();
// Update base rate when a return trip is booked
$('.base_rate .right').html(format_currency(d.base_amt));
// Update tax amt
$('.tax_amt .right').html(format_currency(d.tax_amt));
$('.taxes_surcharges_rollup .right').html(format_currency(d.taxes_surcharges_rollup));
var cancel_charge = is_tc ? d.grand_total : d.balance_due_amt;
if (cancel_type == 2) // 50% of balance due
cancel_charge = d.balance_due_amt * 0.5;
if( $('.adjustable_ride_pricing').length > 0 ) admin_recalculate_total();
// show and update promo_code_discount row
if (d.promo_discount_amt > 0) {
// if it's a flat discount, don't show a percentage in the row
if (d.promo_discount_flat_amt != null) {
$('.promo_code_discount .left').html("Promo Discount");
// if it's a percentage discount, show the percentage discount in the row
else if (d.promo_discount_pct != null) {
$('.promo_code_discount .left').html("Promo Discount (" + d.promo_discount_pct + "%)");
$('.promo_code_discount .center').html("=");
// show the dollar amount of the discount
$('.promo_code_discount .right .inner').html(format_currency(d.promo_discount_amt));
if (d.promo_discount_amt <= 0) {
// show promo discount validation message
if (d.promo_code_validation_message != null) {
$('#promo_code_validation_message .content').html(d.promo_code_validation_message);
function goToByScroll(id){
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+id).offset().top},'slow');
$(window).unload(function() {
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