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Last active June 11, 2018 20:34
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functions for WSL
function w2l($in) {
if ( $in -match "(^[a-zA-Z]:(\\{1,2})?$|^[a-zA-Z]:\\{1,2}[^\\])") {
$in = "/mnt/" + $in.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $in.Substring(2).Replace('\\', '/').Replace('\', '/')
} elseif ( $in -match "(^\.(\\{1,2})?$|^\.\\{1,2}[^\\])") {
$in = $in.Replace('\\', '/').Replace('\', '/')
return $in
function l2w($in) {
if ( $in -match "(^/mnt/[a-z]/?|^/mnt/[a-z]/[^/])") {
$in = $in.Substring(5, 1).ToUpper() + $in.Substring(6).Replace('/', '\')
} elseif ( $in -match "(^\./?$|^\./[^/])") {
$in = $in.Replace('/', '\')
return $in
function w2ls() { $input | %{ w2l($_) } }
function l2ws() { $input | %{ l2w($_) } }
function wsl_ls() { $input | wsl exa -l $args }
function wsl_ll() { $input | wsl exa -l $args }
function wsl_la() { $input | wsl exa -l -a $args }
function wsl_grep() { $input | wsl rg $args }
function wsl_sort() { $input | wsl sort $args }
function wsl_cat() { $input | wsl bat $args }
function wsl_less() { $input | wsl less $args }
function wsl_more() { $input | wsl more $args }
function wsl_awk() { $input | wsl awk $args }
function wsl_sed() { $input | wsl sed $args }
function wsl_jq() { $input | wsl jq $args }
function wsl_diff() { $input | wsl diff $args }
function wsl_rm() { $input | wsl rm $args }
function wsl_cp() { $input | wsl cp $args }
function wsl_mv() { $input | wsl mv $args }
function wsl_touch() { $input | wsl touch $args }
function wsl_tail() { $input | wsl tail $args }
function wsl_head() { $input | wsl head $args }
function wsl_file() { $input | wsl file $args }
function wsl_find() { $input | wsl find $args }
function wsl_tree() { $input | wsl tree $args }
function wsl_ip() { wsl ip $args }
function wsl_curl() { wsl curl $args }
function wsl_wget() { wsl wget $args }
function wsl_nc() { wsl nc $args }
function wsl_ss() { wsl ss $args }
function wsl_dig() { wsl dig $args }
function wsl_rsync() { wsl rsync $args }
function wsl_scp() { wsl scp $args }
del alias:sort -Force
del alias:diff -Force
$commands = @(
"ls", "ll", "la",
"grep", "sort", "cat", "tail", "head", "less","more", "awk", "sed", "jq", "diff",
"mkdir", "rm", "cp", "mv", "touch", "file", "find", "tree",
"ip", "curl", "wget", "nc", "ss", "dig", "rsync", "scp"
$commands | ForEach-Object -Process {
$method = "wsl_" + $_
Set-Alias -Name:$_ -Value:$method -Option:Allscope
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