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Last active December 6, 2023 14:34
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Gum-Jar Solar Light - Recipe
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Xholon Workbook MIT License, Copyright (C) Ken Webb, Wed Dec 06 2023 09:33:40 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)-->
Title: Gum-Jar Solar Light - Recipe
InternalName: c150691c7c630d9405d2f14391ce4149
My Notes
5 Dec 2023
Ken Webb
4 Dec 2023
Kenz Jar Light - next version - the process
TODO implement this in a Xholon workbook, as a recipe
Gum-Jar Solar Light - Recipe
TODO add these
The Process
Obtain components (see BOM)
Organize components into an icecube tray
Drill hole in clear lid for solar cell wires
Drill two holes in lid for 2 nylon standoffs
Solar Cell
Solder red and black wires to center pads of solar cell
Cut these red and black wires to correct length (both the same)
xx mm ?
Push these red and black wires through the drilled hole
Attach standoffs
Drill two holes in the clear lid, one for each standoff
Attach wires from solar cell to a JST 2 2-pin connector
Strip the two wires (3 or 4mm)
Crimp the wires onto the JST metal inserts
Push each insert into the JST plastic piece
Attach battery
Hot-glue plastic battery holder to inside of lid
Cut these red and black wires to correct length (each a different length)
xx mm ?
yy mm ?
Crimp the wires onto the JST metal inserts
Push each insert into the JST plastic piece
Add components to PCB
Solder x to PCB
Lid, Cut Hole, Cut Hole, Cut Hole
Solar Cell, Solder Red Wire, Solder Black Wire
Hot Glue
TODO turn above recipe into a Xholon recipe as in Food Recipes workbook
5 Dec 2023
Functional Approach
cuthole(lid) is a function
functions can be composed
const cuthole = (lid) => lid
const cuthole = (lid) => {console.log("Cut a hole in the " + lid); return lid;}
compose(cuthole, cuthole, cuthole)(lid)
cuthole should have an additional parameter/argument
- a description of the hole; where, diameter
- maybe a JSO, or JSON, or array, or just two items
compose(cuthole(arg), cuthole(arg), cuthole(arg))(lid)
As Xholon CSH XML
<Cuthole where="13,15" diam="3">
<Cuthole where="21,17" diam="2">
<Cuthole where="33,17" diam="2">
<Cuthole x="13" y="15" r="3"/>
- the standard way of nesting functions in Math, follows the same convention as the Xholon XML nesting
- which also matches the right-to-left order of compose()
- which is opposite to the left-to-right order of pipe()
- maybe use "lidtop" rather than "lid" to mean the clear plastic circular and openable/hinged area at the top of the lid
- a lid consists of a lidtop, a threaded section, a hinged front door, and an angled section
- the lidtop has two surfaces, an outer-facig surface, and an inner-facing surface
6 Dec 2023
How I generated the SVG image in this workbook
- In Xholon, export the <Recipe roleName="Lidtop Holes test"/> subtree as a mind map
Export > MindMap
shouldShowClouds NO
position left
- save the result as a .mm file
- using a file viewer, in the FreePlane folder, double-click freeplanelauncher.jar
- in FreePlane, open the .mm file
File > Open mind map...
select all nodes (Ctrl-A)
Format > Node core > Node shape > Bubble
- in FreePlane, export the mind map as an SVG file
File > Export map...
How to interpret the Mind Map (.mm) and SVG (.svg) content
ex: Lidtop--Drillhole--Drillhole--Drillhole
can be read as:
Take the lid top
Drill a hole in it
Take the resulting lid top with one hole
Drill a hole in it
The result is the original lid top, with three holes drilled in it
### References
Food Recipes
<!-- Electronic Components -->
<EComponent superClass="Quantity">
<Pcb/> <!-- OpenGreenEnergy, from PcbWay -->
<Battery_AAA_NiMH/> <!-- a rechargeable 1.2v battery; I use 850 mAh -->
<Wire/> <!-- lengths of red and black 26 guage/AWG stranded wire -->
<Jst2_2pin_female/> <!-- right-angle -->
<Lidtop/> <!-- inside surface of the plastic lidtop -->
<LidtopOut/> <!-- outside surface of the plastic lidtop -->
<Standoff/> <!-- 2 nylon standoff sets, to connect Pcb to lidtop; each set has 1 standoff + 2 nylon screws -->
<!-- Tools -->
<Drill/> <!-- to drill holes in plastic lid top -->
<!-- Processes; steps in the recipe -->
<SolarCell/> <!-- 2v, AK50X50 -->
<!-- the rolenames are the names written on the PCB -->
<Controller roleName="QX5252F"/>
<Inductor roleName="L1">47 uH</Inductor> <!-- 47 or 33 uH -->
<LedRGB roleName="LED"/>
<SlidingSwitch roleName="SWITCH"/>
<Diode roleName="D1">1 1N5818</Diode> <!-- 1N4148 or 1N5818 or 1N5819 -->
<CeramicCapacitor roleName="C1">0.1 uF</CeramicCapacitor>
<Jst2_2pin_female roleName="SOL"/>
<Jst2_2pin_female roleName="BAT"/>
<!-- TODO add wires -->
<!-- Recipe for building a Solar Light OLD -->
<!--<Cuthole where="13,15" diam="3">
<Cuthole where="21,17" diam="2">
<Cuthole where="33,17" diam="2">
<!--<Cuthole x="13" y="15" r="3"/>-->
<!-- Recipe for building a Solar Light - v2 - sizes and positions in mm (millimeters)
The end result here is a lidtop with a 3mm hole + a 2mm hole + a 2mm hole.
<Recipe roleName="Lidtop Holes test">
<Drillhole x="27.5" y="15" r="2">
<Drillhole x="27.5" y="42" r="2">
<Drillhole x="27.5" y="27.5" r="3"> <!-- for wires from solar cell; use 7/64 drill bit -->
<Lidtop width="55" height="55"/>
<Recipebehavior implName="org.primordion.xholon.base.Behavior_gwtjs"><![CDATA[
var me, beh = {
postConfigure: function() {
me = this.cnode.parent();
const compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduceRight((y, f) => f(y), x)
const drillHole = lidTop => {me.println(`Drill a hole in ${} at x,y with radius r.`); return lidTop;}
//const drillHole = lidTop => dh => {me.println(`Drill a hole in ${} at x,y with radius r.`); return lidTop;} // NO
//const drillHole = dh => lidTop => {me.println(`Drill a hole in ${} at x,y with radius r.`); return lidTop;} // NO
const lidTopA = me.first().first().first().first()
//const funk = lidTop => compose(drillHole("zero"), drillHole("one")); //(lidTopA)
compose(drillHole, drillHole)(lidTopA)
//# sourceURL=Recipebehavior.js
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