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Created August 1, 2017 19:32
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open ReactNative;
type _state = {mutable elementRef: option ReasonReact.reactRef};
let setRef theRef {ReasonReact.state: state} => state.elementRef = Js.Null.to_opt theRef;
type item =
Js.t {
id : string,
start : string,
talk :
Js.null_undefined (
Js.t {
title : string,
speakers :
Js.Array.t (
Js.t {. id : string, name : string, bio : string, photo : Js.t {. secret : string}}
title : string
let styles =
style [
flex 1.,
backgroundColor "rgba(255,255,255, .2)",
marginHorizontal 10.,
marginTop 10.,
borderWidth 1.,
borderColor "white"
"row": style [flexDirection `row],
"titleWrap": style [flex 1., padding 10.]
let component = ReasonReact.statefulComponent "ScheduleItem";
let make
item::(item: item)
index::(index: int)
modalOpen::(modalOpen: bool)
selectedIndex::(selectedIndex: int)
_children => {
initialState: fun () => {elementRef: None},
render: fun self =>
style=Style.(style [opacity (modalOpen === true && index === selectedIndex ? 0. : 1.)])
fun _ =>
switch self.state.elementRef {
| None => Js.log "none"
| Some r =>
(ReasonReact.refToJsObj r)##measureInWindow (
fun x y width height => onPress x y width height item index
<View style=styles##item ref=(self.handle setRef)>
<View style=styles##row>
<View style=styles##titleWrap>
switch (Js.Null_undefined.to_opt item##talk) {
| None => <ScheduleTitle title=item##title />
| Some talk => <ScheduleTitle title=talk##title />
switch (Js.Null_undefined.to_opt item##talk) {
| None => ReasonReact.nullElement
| Some t => <SpeakerNames talk=t />
switch (Js.Null_undefined.to_opt item##talk) {
| None => ReasonReact.nullElement
| Some t => <SpeakerImages talk=t />
<ScheduleTime start=item##start />
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