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Created March 18, 2018 16:40
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kubernetes config consul template
kubernetes {
name = 'Kubernetes'
serverUrl = ''
skipTlsVerify = true
namespace = 'kingslanding'
jenkinsUrl = 'http://kingslanding-dev-jenkins.kingslanding.svc.cluster.local'
containerCapStr = '500'
retentionTimeout = 5
connectTimeout = 0
readTimeout = 0
podTemplatesDefaults {
instanceCap = 2147483647
containerTemplateDefaults {
name = 'jnlp'
alwaysPullImage= false
ttyEnabled= true
privileged= true
workingDir= '/var/jenkins_home'
args= '${computer.jnlpmac} ${} -jar-cache /var/jenkins_home/jars'
resourceRequestCpu = '1000m'
resourceLimitCpu = '2000m'
resourceRequestMemory = '1Gi'
resourceLimitMemory = '2Gi'
command = ''
podTemplates = [
name: 'PARENT',
idleMinutes: 0,
nodeSelector: 'role=jenkins',
nodeUsageMode: 'NORMAL',
customWorkspaceVolumeEnabled: false,
workspaceVolume: [
type: 'EmptyDirWorkspaceVolume',
memory: false,
volumes: [
type: 'HostPathVolume',
mountPath: '/jenkins/.m2/repository',
hostPath: '/jenkins/m2'
keyValueEnvVar: [
value: '{{with $secret := secret "secret/jenkins/artifactory" }}{{ $secret.Data.value }}{{end}}'
[ key: 'VAULT_ADDR',
value: '{{env "VAULT_ADDR"}}'
[ key: 'CONSUL_ADDR',
value: '{{env "CONSUL_ADDR"}}'
podImagePullSecret: 'my-secret'
name: 'Java',
label: 'java_slave',
inheritFrom: 'PARENT',
containerTemplate : [
image: '',
alwaysPullImage: true,
resourceRequestCpu: '1000m',
resourceRequestMemory: '1Gi',
resourceLimitCpu: '2000m',
resourceLimitMemory: '2Gi'
name: 'Go',
label: 'go_slave',
inheritFrom: 'PARENT',
containerTemplate : [
image: '',
alwaysPullImage: true,
resourceRequestCpu: '1000m',
resourceRequestMemory: '1Gi',
resourceLimitCpu: '2000m',
resourceLimitMemory: '8Gi'
volumes: [
type: 'HostPathVolume',
mountPath: '/var/go/go_stuff',
hostPath: '/go/go_stuff'
type: 'HostPathVolume',
mountPath: '/var/go/some_other_go_stuff',
hostPath: '/go/some_other_go_stuff'
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