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Created May 13, 2020 22:19
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Given a non-negative integer num represented as a string, remove k digits from the number so that the new number is the smallest possible.
The length of num is less than 10002 and will be ≥ k.
The given num does not contain any leading zero.
Example 1:
Input: num = "1432219", k = 3
Output: "1219"
Explanation: Remove the three digits 4, 3, and 2 to form the new number 1219 which is the smallest.
Example 2:
Input: num = "10200", k = 1
Output: "200"
Explanation: Remove the leading 1 and the number is 200. Note that the output must not contain leading zeroes.
Example 3:
Input: num = "10", k = 2
Output: "0"
Explanation: Remove all the digits from the number and it is left with nothing which is 0.
* @param {string} num
* @param {number} k
* @return {string}
var removeKdigits = function(num, k) {
let result = num;
let c = 0
let i = 0
while (c < k) {
if (i >= result.length-1) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length-1)
} else if (result[i] > result[i+1]) {
result = result.substring(0, i) + result.substring(i+1)
i = i - 1
} else {
i = i + 1
return result.replace(/^0+/, "") || "0";
// Runtime: 56 ms
// Memory Usage: 41.6 MB
// 94.78%
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