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Last active May 14, 2019 21:23
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Mileage calculator script tag
<script type="text/javascript">
// hard-coded product id of mile rate woocommerce product
let productId = 246;
let map, auto;
const v1_url = window.theme_bundle_data.rest_url + 'sim/cremation/shop/v1/';
const v2_url = window.theme_bundle_data.rest_url + 'sim/cremation/shop/v2/';
const v2_endpoints = {
add: v2_url + 'cart/add',
update: v2_url + 'cart/update'
const v1_endpoints = {
refresh: v1_url + 'cart.html'
const fetch = (args) => Promise.resolve(jQuery.ajax(args))
function showSpinner() {
function hideSpinner() {
function updateQuantity(product_id, quantity) {
return fetch({
url: `${v2_endpoints.update}?product_id=${product_id}&quantity=${quantity}`,
cache: false,
method: 'POST'
function refreshCart() {
return fetch({
url: v1_endpoints.refresh,
cache: false
}).then(response => {
return jQuery('aside.sidebar')
function initGM() {
let input = document.querySelector(".gmaps_autocomplete input");
auto = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, {});
auto.addListener('place_changed', calcDistance);
// taken from
function distance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {
const R = 3959; // radius of earth in miles
let latDiff = radians(lat2-lat1);
let lngDiff = radians(lng2-lng1)
let a = Math.sin(latDiff/2) * Math.sin(latDiff/2) +
Math.cos(radians(lat1)) * Math.cos(radians(lat2)) *
Math.sin(lngDiff/2) * Math.sin(lngDiff/2);
let c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
let d = R * c;
return d;
function radians(deg) {
return parseFloat(deg * (Math.PI / 180));
function calcDistance() {
let { geometry: { location } } = auto.getPlace();
let lat =;
let lng = location.lng();
let locationLat = 32.129047;
let locationLng = -101.793159;
let totalDistance = distance(lat, lng, locationLat, locationLng);
async function updateCart(distance) {
if (distance > 30) {
await updateQuantity(productId, Math.ceil(distance) - 30);
await refreshCart();
} else {
await updateQuantity(productId, 0);
await refreshCart();
function hideMileCount() {
let $ = jQuery;
let $row = $('.cart_list.product_list_widget span[data-product_id='+productId+']').parent().parent();
let $priceBox = $row.find('.tiny-4 span');
let priceBoxText = $priceBox.text().trim().split(' ');
let qty = priceBoxText[0];
let price = priceBoxText[2].replace('$','');
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
<script src="<?php echo get_field('google_maps_api_key', 'option'); ?>&libraries=places&callback=initGM" async defer></script>
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