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Last active July 12, 2024 23:00
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// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
/// A [ChangeNotifier] that holds a [ListQueue] of data.
/// This class exposes methods to modify the underlying [ListQueue]. When the
/// [ListQueue] is modified, listeners are notified.
/// When using this class, you should NOT modify the underlying [ListQueue]
/// manually by calling [ListQueue] methods on this notifier's [value]. Doing so
/// will result in listeners not being notified for changes to the [ListQueue].
/// This class is not a full implementation of the [ListQueue] class, but it
/// exposes the majority of [ListQueue] methods that are useful for how this
/// class is used in DevTools. New methods can be added to this class as needed.
final class ListQueueValueNotifier<T> extends ChangeNotifier
implements ValueListenable<ListQueue<T>> {
/// Creates a [ListQueueValueNotifier] that wraps this value [_rawListQueue].
final ListQueue<T> _rawListQueue;
ListQueue<T> get value => _rawListQueue;
// Iterable interface (not a full implementation).
bool get isEmpty => _rawListQueue.isEmpty;
int get length => _rawListQueue.length;
T get first => _rawListQueue.first;
T get last => _rawListQueue.last;
T get single => _rawListQueue.single;
T elementAt(int index) => _rawListQueue.elementAt(index);
void add(T value) {
Iterable<T> where(bool Function(T element) test) => _rawListQueue.where(test);
// Collection interface.
void addAll(Iterable<T> elements) {
bool remove(Object? value) {
final removed = _rawListQueue.remove(value);
return removed;
void removeWhere(bool Function(T element) test) {
void retainWhere(bool Function(T element) test) {
void clear() {
// Queue interface.
void addLast(T value) {
void addFirst(T value) {
T removeFirst() {
final removed = _rawListQueue.removeFirst();
return removed;
T removeLast() {
final removed = _rawListQueue.removeLast();
return removed;
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