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Created November 23, 2017 12:04
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Slack DM to @mention in pull request comment or issue comment on Github
# Description:
# hubot monitoring git comments mention and slack DM
# Dependencies:
# "hubot-slack": "^4.4.0"
# "hubot-slack-attachement": "^1.0.1"
# Commands:
# None
# Author:
# kenzo-tanaka
# Use if the user name of jira and slack is different
# "github name": "slack name"
# As a premise, the name is defined as follows:
# github name: kenzo-tanaka - slack name: kenzo.tanaka
users = {
"kenzo-tanaka": "kenzo0107",
"kimika.himura": "no_send"
module.exports = (robot) ->
convertHandleName = (name) ->
users[name] || name
# Git の username から Slack の username 取得
getSlackUsernameByGitUsername = (gitUsername) ->
gitUsername = gitUsername.replace(/-/g , "." )
gitUsername = gitUsername.replace(/@/g , "" )
return gitUsername
# コメント本文のメンションを取得
mentionsSearch = (body) ->
mentions = []
regexp_str = body.match /(^|\s)(@[\w\-\/]+)/g
if regexp_str
for mention in regexp_str
mention = getSlackUsernameByGitUsername(mention.trim())
null "/git-comments", (req, response) ->
timestamp = new Date/1000|0
data = req.body
event_type = req.get 'X-Github-Event'
if event_type not in ["pull_request", "issue_comment"]
response.end 'ng'
switch event_type
when 'issue_comment'
action = data.action
cbody = data.comment.body
user = data.comment.user.login
url = data.comment.html_url
title = data.issue.title
number = data.issue.number
repoName = data.repository.full_name
when 'pull_request'
action = data.action
cbody = data.pull_request.body
user = data.pull_request.user.login
url = data.pull_request.html_url
title = data.pull_request.title
number = data.pull_request.number
repoName = data.repository.full_name
if action not in ['created', 'opened', 'reopened', 'edited']
response.end 'ng'
slackUserName = getSlackUsernameByGitUsername(user)
attachments = [
fallback: "[#{repoName}] #{user} #{action} #{title}",
color: 'good',
pretext: "[<#{url}|#{repoName}>] @#{slackUserName} #{action}"
title: title,
title_link: url,
fields: [
title: "",
value: "#{cbody}",
short: false
footer: user,
footer_icon: '',
ts: timestamp
options = { as_user: true, link_names: 1, attachments: attachments }
if !!robot.adapter.client
client = robot.adapter.client
mentions = mentionsSearch(cbody)
return unless mentions?
for mention in mentions
userName = convertHandleName(mention)
userId = client.rtm.dataStore.getUserByName(userName).id
return unless userId?, '', options)
response.end 'OK'
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