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Created December 1, 2023 07:09
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show list of running AWS resources
<profile names in ~/.aws/credentials>
for profile in ${profiles[@]}; do
awsume $profile --session-name "kenzo.tanaka" --output-profile tmp > /dev/null 2>&1
account_id=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --profile tmp --query 'Account' --output text)
if [ -z "$account_id" ]; then
aws ec2 --profile tmp describe-instances --filters "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" \
| jq -r ".Reservations[].Instances[] | \"$profile,$account_id,ec2,\"+ .InstanceType +\",1,\"+ (.Tags[]|select(.Key == \"Name\").Value)"
# aws rds describe-db-clusters だと cluster を利用していない場合に instance 情報が取得できない
aws rds --profile tmp describe-db-instances \
| jq -r ".DBInstances[] | select(.DBInstanceStatus==\"available\") | \"$profile,$account_id,\"+ .Engine +\",\"+ .DBInstanceClass +\",1,\"+ .DBInstanceIdentifier"
aws elasticache --profile tmp describe-cache-clusters \
| jq -r ".CacheClusters[] | \"$profile,$account_id,\"+ .Engine +\",\"+ .CacheNodeType +\",\"+ (.NumCacheNodes|tostring) +\",\"+ .CacheClusterId"
aws redshift --profile tmp describe-clusters \
| jq -r ".Clusters[] | select(.ClusterStatus==\"available\") | \"$profile,$account_id,redshift,\"+ .NodeType +\",\"+ (.NumberOfNodes|tostring) +\",\"+ .ClusterIdentifier"
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