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Last active February 21, 2024 06:49
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Read values from Landis & Gyr T230/330 / Qundis Qheat 5.5 heat meters
Script to read values from Qundis Qheat 5.5 (which seems to be "identical" to Landis&Gyr T230/T330)
It's necessary to send 210 leading zeros before the actual request
Check for further protcol details (and subsequent messages)
Uses to decode M-BUS datagrams
import binascii
import datetime
import json
import logging
import sys
from os import getenv
from time import sleep
import serial
import meterbus
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
error_sleep_interval = 10
loglevel = getenv('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper()
# InfluxDB
send_influx = bool(getenv('SEND_INFLUX', True))
dbclient = InfluxDBClient(getenv('INFLUX_HOST'),
getenv('INFLUX_PORT', 8086),
getenv('INFLUX_USER', ''),
getenv('INFLUX_PASS', ''),
getenv('INFLUX_DB', 'wmz'))
json_body = []
receiveTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
lookup_map = { 2: 'VIFUnit.ENERGY_WH',
3: 'VIFUnit.VOLUME'}
# Serial
serial_port = getenv('SERIAL_PORT', '/dev/ttyUSB0')
ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, baudrate=2400, bytesize=8, parity="E", stopbits=1, timeout=2, xonxoff=0, rtscts=0)
def write_zeros():
i = 210
while i:
i = i - 1
def send_status_request():
# see link from above to understand the actual values
frame = meterbus.load(meterbus.recv_frame(ser))
logging.debug(json.dumps(json.loads(frame.body.to_JSON()), indent=4, sort_keys=True)) # there might be an easier way
return True
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'Unable to decode datagram, please retry: {e}')
return False
def get_data():
frame = meterbus.load(meterbus.recv_frame(ser))
json_response = json.loads(frame.body.to_JSON()) # there might be an easier way
return json_response
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'Unable to parse data from WMZ: {e}')
return False
def main():
retries = getenv('RETRIES', 5)
while retries:
success = send_status_request()
if not success:
logging.error('WMZ did not correctly respond to status request. Retrying.')
retries -= 1
wmz_data = get_data()
if wmz_data:
# correct datagram should show this as its first entry (Qheat 5.5)
if wmz_data['records'][0]['type'] != 'VIFUnit.ACTUALITY_DURATION':
logging.error('Incorrect datagram, retrying.')
for key in lookup_map.keys():
influx_entry = { "measurement": "", "time": receiveTime, "fields": { "value": "" }}
influx_entry['measurement'] = lookup_map[key].strip()
influx_entry['fields']['value'] = wmz_data['records'][key]['value']/1000
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'Unable to assign values from WMZ data to InfluxDB request data: {e}')
if send_influx:
retries -= 1
logging.error(f'Did not get a meaningful response within {retries} retries. Please re-run later.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Hi thank you for the script. I tried this code on my Metrona Ultraheat XS 2, which is also Identical to the Landis + Gyr T230, and it worked perfectly. However I have to press the button to wake it up.
Did you get it to work without pressing the button?

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For me, it works fine without pressing a button - the device will wake up using the script.
If that's not the case for you, try finding software from Metrona and checking the communication (e.g. using Wireshark) should that software wake up your device without your manual interaction. Good luck!

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pascal-t commented Nov 4, 2022

Thanks for the reply. I created a ticket asking if they provide such a software, but I won't get my hopes up.
In the meantime I tinkered around with the script and got it to work by sending more zeros before the sending the status request. Currently with 500 it works on the second try. I'm going to try some other values until I can reliably read it on the first try.

How did you determine the oddly specific number of 210 zeros? I did not find anything about it in the documentation you linked.
Also how regularly do you run the script? I don't want to explain to my gas provider / measuring service provider that I depleted the battery by spamming the optical interface.

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How did you determine the oddly specific number of 210 zeros?

I am almost certain I used Landis&Gyr UltraAssist to connect to the device, and inspected that traffic (communication on ttyUSB*) to find out what was needed for my device. At the time, I did not find any script to perform successful readings from that specific heat meter.

Also how regularly do you run the script?

I run it on a daily basis, and the device will keep on/active for a few minutes after the successful read; however, since I own it (I use it for my heat pump), depleting the battery isn't a huge concern for me (I know I'll have to replace it eventually).

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Hi @kenzodeluxe
I have a Qundis Heat 5.5 and am struggling reading the values with your script.

Depending on the position of my reader, the error is either:

  • ERROR:root:Unable to decode datagram, please retry: ('empty frame', False)


  • ERROR:root:Unable to decode datagram, please retry: ('empty frame', None)

Any Ideas what could be wrong?
Which reader do you use?

I'm using this reader ( connected to a Pi 3 B+.

Thank you and regards,

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Hi Daniel,

Any Ideas what could be wrong? Which reader do you use?

I use some no-name reader I got off of eBay, it's recognized as Future Technology Devices International, Ltd Bridge(I2C/SPI/UART/FIFO). Did you give the official Landis&Gyr software a try yet? Or did you try that reader on any other device, like a power meter, for comparison?

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Hi @kenzodeluxe,
I tried to download Landis+Gyr UltraAssist, but unfortunately an account is needed which I don't have.
Yes, the reader was working fine with my powermeter.

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