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Created November 30, 2010 20:46
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Processing StorypagesController#show_halfguest_login (for at 2010-11-30 21:44:25) [GET]
Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
ensure_logged_in: invoking rest_graph
ensure_logged_in: rest_graph setup succeeded, continuing
User Load (0.7ms) SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1)
Storypage Load (0.4ms) SELECT * FROM "storypages" WHERE ("storypages"."id" = 1)
ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template storypages/show_halfguest_login.erb in view path app/views):
hobo (1.0.1) lib/hobo/dryml/template_handler.rb:173:in `find_template'
hobo (1.0.1) lib/hobo/model_controller.rb:818:in `render'
hobo (1.0.1) lib/hobo/model_controller.rb:432:in `response_block'
hobo (1.0.1) lib/hobo/model_controller.rb:500:in `hobo_show'
app/controllers/storypages_controller.rb:155:in `show_halfguest_login'
hobo (1.0.1) lib/hobo/controller.rb:23:in `call'
hobo (1.0.1) lib/hobo/controller.rb:23:in `included_in_class'
compass (0.10.5) lib/compass/app_integration/rails/actionpack2/action_controller.rb:7:in `process'
haml (3.0.22) rails/./lib/sass/plugin/rack.rb:41:in `call'
refraction (0.2.0) lib/refraction.rb:125:in `call'
Rendering rescues/layout (internal_server_error)
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