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Last active December 11, 2015 20:29
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Save keot/4655964 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Experiment Script Saves any HTTP post data sent to the script to a local CSV file. Do NOT use this in production. It's hideously insecure. The directory where the results file is saved requires 'other writeable' (o+w) permissions.
/* save_experiment.php
* Created by James Mardell <>
* Saves any HTTP post data sent to the script to a local CSV file.
* Do NOT use this in production. It's hideously insecure.
* The directory where the results file is saved requires 'other writeable' (o+w) permissions.
// Configuration
$results_file = 'data.csv';
function fputcsv($filePointer, $dataArray, $delimiter = ",", $enclosure = "\"")
// PHP5 includes this function. Code from <>
// Build the string
$string = "";
// No leading delimiter
$writeDelimiter = FALSE;
foreach($dataArray as $dataElement) {
// Replaces a double quote with two double quotes
$dataElement=str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $dataElement);
// Adds a delimiter before each field (except the first)
if($writeDelimiter) $string .= $delimiter;
// Encloses each field with $enclosure and adds it to the string
$string .= $enclosure . $dataElement . $enclosure;
// Delimiters are used every time except the first.
$writeDelimiter = TRUE;
} // end foreach($dataArray as $dataElement)
// Append new line
$string .= "\n";
// Write the string to the file
fwrite($filePointer, $string);
// Variables
$input = $_POST;
// Check to see if the file already exists, if not: write the header
if (!is_file($results_file) ) {
if (!$output = fopen($results_file, 'a') ) {
echo "Cannot open or create file '$results_file' for writing.";
fputcsv($output, array_keys($input) );
// Write the data
if (!$output = fopen($results_file, 'a') ) {
echo "Cannot open or create file '$results_file' for writing.";
fputcsv($output, $input);
echo "Successfully saved your data.";
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