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Created June 14, 2022 17:25
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StackExchange.Redis cache with sliding expiration support, ReadOnlyMemory and RecyclableMemoryStream on input.
module DistributedCaching
open System
open StackExchange.Redis
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.IO
open System.Buffers
type IDistributedCache =
abstract GetAsync: key: string -> Task<byte[] voption>
abstract RemoveAsync: key: string -> Task
abstract SetAsync: key: string * value: ReadOnlyMemory<byte> * abs: Option<DateTimeOffset> * slid: Option<TimeSpan> -> Task
abstract SetStreamAsync: key: string * stream: RecyclableMemoryStream * abs: Option<DateTimeOffset> * slid: Option<TimeSpan> -> Task
type RedisCache (conn: ConnectionMultiplexer) =
let [<Literal>] getScript = "
local r ='HMGET', KEYS[1], 'sld', 'abs', 'd')
if not r[1] then
return r[3]
local e = tonumber(r[1])
if r[2] then
local a = r[2] -'TIME')[1]
if a < e then
e = a
end'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], e)
return r[3]"
let db = conn.GetDatabase ()
interface IDistributedCache with
override _.GetAsync key = backgroundTask {
let! res = db.ScriptEvaluateAsync (getScript, [| RedisKey key |])
if res.IsNull then
return ValueNone
return ValueSome (RedisResult.op_Explicit res: byte[]) }
override _.RemoveAsync key =
db.KeyDeleteAsync key
override _.SetAsync (key, value, abs, slid) =
let fields = [|
if slid.IsSome then
yield HashEntry ("sld", int64 slid.Value.TotalSeconds)
if abs.IsSome then
yield HashEntry ("abs", abs.Value.ToUnixTimeSeconds ())
yield HashEntry ("d", value)
let expirationRelativeToNow =
match abs, slid with
| Some abs, Some slid ->
let diff = abs - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
if diff < slid then diff else slid
| Some abs, _ ->
abs - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
| _, Some slid ->
| _ ->
if expirationRelativeToNow.Ticks = 0L then
db.HashSetAsync (key, fields)
let batch = db.CreateBatch ()
batch.HashSetAsync (key, fields) |> ignore
let last = batch.KeyExpireAsync (key, expirationRelativeToNow)
batch.Execute ()
override x.SetStreamAsync (key, stream, abs, slid) =
let seq = stream.GetReadOnlySequence ()
if seq.IsSingleSegment then
(x: IDistributedCache).SetAsync (key, seq.First, abs, slid)
// RedisValue does not support ReadOnlySequence, only ReadOnlyMemory
// If the recyclable stream comprises multiple discontiguous segments, they need to be copied out into a single block
backgroundTask {
let pooled = ArrayPool.Shared.Rent (int stream.Length)
seq.CopyTo (pooled.AsSpan ())
return! (x: IDistributedCache).SetAsync (key, pooled.AsMemory (0, int stream.Length), abs, slid)
ArrayPool.Shared.Return pooled }
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