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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save kerbyfc/5037fe4c213e8124d067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kerbyfc/5037fe4c213e8124d067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
swf.js allows to create function wrappers easily
var SWF = (function(root){
var errors = {
wrong_instance : "new SWF($0): wrong argument type -> only Function and SWF object are acceptable",
wrong_args : "swf.define($0, $1): wrong argument type -> only non-empty String with Function or SWF object are acceptable",
name_collision : "swf.define($0, $1): name collision -> $0 is reserved",
alias_collision : "swf.makeAlias($0, $1): name collision -> $0.$2 exists",
forbidden : "swf.define($0, $1): forbidden wrapper -> wrapper must return function, but not $2",
wrong_usage : "$0.$($1): wrong argument type -> only SWF object is acceptable",
bad_override : "$0.({$1: $2}): bad _override -> wrapper can be overriten only by another wrapper or null",
wrong_target : "$0.$($0): bad target -> only Object and Function are acceptable",
wrong_alias : "fsm.createAlias($0, $1): wrong alias -> alias must me a string or false. wrap alias may be true, also", // TODO
var swf = {};
swf._class = function(obj) {
swf._type = function(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return String(obj);
return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ? swf._class(obj).toLowerCase() || "object" : typeof obj;
swf._isArray = function(obj) {
return swf._type(obj) === "array";
swf._isObject = function(obj) {
return swf._type(obj) === "object";
swf._extend = function(obj) {
if (obj !== null || typeof(obj) === "object" || typeof(obj) === "function") {
var source, prop;
for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
source = arguments[i];
for (prop in source) {
if (, prop)) {
obj[prop] = source[prop];
return obj;
swf._args = function(args) {
swf._etype = function(obj){
var type;
if (typeof obj === "function") {
return ( && ( + " ")) + "function";
type = swf._type(obj);
if (type !== "null" && typeof obj === "object") {
return ( && ( + " ")) + "object";
return type;
swf.define = function(name, fn, sacred) {
var props;
if (!sacred) {
sacred = false;
if (typeof name !== "string" || ("" + name).length === 0) {
SWF._error(errors.wrong_args, [name, swf._etype(fn)]);
if (SWF._reserved.indexOf(name) >= 0) {
SWF._error(errors.name_collision, [name, swf._etype(fn)]);
if (fn instanceof SWF) {
// creation
swf[name] = function(batch) {
return new SWF(fn).sign(name)._override(batch);
// chaining
SWF.prototype[name] = function(batch) {
return ((this instanceof SWF) ? this : new SWF(this)).sign(null)._expand(fn.batch)._override(batch);
} else if (typeof fn === "function") {
// creation
swf[name] = function() {
return new SWF().sign(name)._expand(name, fn, swf._args(arguments));
// chaining
SWF.prototype[name] = function() {
return ((this instanceof SWF) ? this : new SWF(this)).sign(null)._expand(name, fn, swf._args(arguments));
} else {
SWF._error(errors.wrong_args, [name, swf._etype(fn)]);
swf[name].extend = function(mixin) {
swf._extend(SWF._mixins[name], mixin);
// create default empty mixin
SWF._mixins[name] = {};
if (sacred) {
// to prevent wrappers overriding
props = {
sign: name,
implementation: fn,
sacred: sacred
// extend function with its name and wrapping function
swf._extend( SWF.prototype[name], props);
swf._extend( swf[name], props);
return swf[name];
swf.createAlias = function(alias) {
var i, obj;
// string may be passed
if (typeof alias !== "string" && alias !== false) {
SWF._error(wrong_alias_type, [swf._etype(alias)]);
if (obj = root[alias]) {
// check for collisions and save reserved keys
for (i in obj) {
if (!!swf[i]) {
SWF._error(errors.alias_collision, [ alias, i ]);
} else {
root[alias] = {};
obj = root[alias];
// copy properties
for (i in swf) {
if (!SWF._mixins[i]) {
SWF._members[i] = swf[i];
obj[i] = swf[i];
swf = obj;
SWF._scope_alias = alias;
root.swf = swf;
return swf;
swf.removeAlias = function() {
if (SWF._scope_alias) {
var i, j, acc = {};
for (i in {_members: 0, _mixins: 0}) {
for (j in SWF[i]) {
acc[j] = root[SWF._scope_alias][j];
delete root[SWF._scope_alias][j];
SWF._reserved = [];
SWF._scope_alias = null;
swf = acc;
root.swf = acc;
return swf;
swf.patchFunction = function(method) {
Function.prototype[method] = SWF;
SWF._fn_method = method;
swf.cleanupFunction = function() {
if (SWF._fn_method) {
delete Function.prototype[SWF._fn_method]
SWF._fn_method = null;
return swf;
function SWF(arg) {
// just return if no args
if (arg === void(0)) {
this.batch = [];
return this;
if (this instanceof SWF) {
// instantiation
if (typeof arg === "function") {
this.origin = arg;
} else if (arg instanceof SWF) {
this.batch = arg.batch.slice();
} else {
SWF._error(errors.wrong_instance, [swf._etype(arg)]);
return this;
} else {
if (arg instanceof SWF) {
return arg.$.apply(arg, [this].concat( swf._args(arguments).slice(1) ) );
} else {
SWF._error(errors.wrong_usage, [swf._etype(this), swf._etype(arg)]);
SWF._reserved = [];
SWF._mixins = {};
SWF._members = {};
SWF._fn_method = null;
SWF._scope_alias = null;
SWF._error = function(err, args) {
var i;
if (typeof args === "object") {
for (i in args) {
err = err.replace(new RegExp("\\$" + i, "g"), args[i]);
throw new Error(err);
// __PROTO__ ----------------------------------------------------
SWF.prototype._expand = function(name, fn, args) {
if (typeof name === "object") { // передали очередь
this.batch = this.batch.concat(name);
} else { // передали враппер
if (SWF._mixins[name]) {
swf._extend(this, SWF._mixins[name]);
this.batch.push({name: name, implementation: fn, args: args});
return this;
SWF.prototype._override = function(batch) {
var i, shift, name;
if (swf._isObject(batch)) {
for (i in this.batch) {
name = this.batch[i].name;
if (batch.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
shift = batch[this.batch[i].name];
if (shift instanceof SWF) {
Array.prototype.splice.apply(this.batch, [i, 1].concat(shift.batch));
} else if (shift === null) {
this.batch.splice(i, 1);
} else {
SWF._error(errors.bad_override, [this.sign(), name, swf._etype(shift)]);
return this;
SWF.prototype._accumulate = function(prop) {
var acc = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.batch.length; i++) {
acc.push( this.batch[i][prop] );
return acc;
SWF.prototype.sign = function(sign) {
if (sign === null || typeof sign === "string") {
this._sign = sign;
return this;
return (sign ? ((SWF._scope_alias || "swf") + ".") : "") + (this._sign || this._accumulate("name").join("().") ) + "()";
SWF.prototype.$ = function(target) {
var args = swf._args(arguments);
if (swf._etype(target) === "function") {
return this._wrapFunction.apply(this, args);
} else if (typeof target === "function") {
return this._wrapClass.apply(this, args);
} else if (swf._type(target) === "object") {
return this._wrapObject.apply(this, args);
} else {
SWF._error(errors.wrong_target, [this.sign(), swf._etype(target)]);
SWF.prototype._wrapFunction = function(fn) {
this.origin = fn;
var wrapper, args = swf._args(arguments).slice(1);
for (i = 0; i < this.batch.length; i++) {
wrapper = this.batch[i];
this.origin = wrapper.implementation.apply(this, [this.origin].concat(args.length > 0 ? args : wrapper.args));
if (typeof this.origin !== "function") {
SWF._error(errors.forbidden, [name, swf.etype(wrapper.implementation), swf.etype(this.origin)]);
return this.origin;
SWF.prototype._wrapObject = function(obj, props) {
var i;
for (i in obj) {
if (!props || props.test(i)) {
obj[i] = this._wrapFunction(obj[i]);
// TODO {proto: true, self: false, ctor: false, depth: 1}
SWF.prototype._wrapClass = function(Class, options) {
var i,
filter = false;
// methods filtering
if (options.only) {
if (swf._type(options.only) === "regexp") {
filter = function(name) { return options.only.test(name); }
} else if (swf._type(options.only) === "array") {
filter = function(name) { return options.only.indexOf(name) >= 0; }
if (options.self) {
for (i in Class) {
// TODO use filter
Class[i] = this.$(Class[i]);
// wrap class prototype methods
if (options.proto) {
for (i in Class.prototype) {
// check if property is passing through filter
if (!filter || filter(i)) {
Class.prototype[i] = this.$(Class.prototype[i]);
return Class;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
root.swf = swf;
return SWF;
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