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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Blender.js (alfa) - expressed to resolve complex state consistency
(root, factory) ->
if typeof define is 'function' and define.amd
# AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define [], factory
else if typeof exports is 'object'
# Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
# only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
# like Node.
module.exports = factory()
# Browser globals (root is window)
root.Blender = factory()
) this, ->
class Blender
* Blender instancies
* @type { Array }
states = []
* Instance counter
* @type { Number }
couter = 0
* Rule types dict represents
* state consistency decision modifier
* @type { Object }
consistent: true
inconsistent: false
* Methods that should be used as proxy
* @type {Array}
interface: [
* Setup blender instance
* @param { Object } bootstrap
constructor: (bootstrap) ->
@rules = {}
@data = {}
@_instance = couter++
states[@_instance] = {}
for ruleType in Object.keys @ruleTypes
# default
@rules[ruleType] = []
# check passed config
if typeof bootstrap[ruleType] is "object"
@rules[ruleType] = bootstrap[ruleType], (rule) ->
unless rule instanceof RegExp
return new RegExp rule
# cut rules
delete bootstrap[ruleType]
# all other properties represents state
@options = bootstrap
* @example
* if state.set({...}).consistent
* model.set state.get()
* @param { Object } data - new data for state
* @param { Object } options = force: false
set: (data, options = force: false) ->
mix = @blend data
# do not change state for safe mode
unless options.force or mix.consistent
return mix
states[@_instance] = mix
* Get copy of state
* @param { String } key
* @return { Any } data
get: (key) ->
state = {}
state[key] = val for key, val of states[@_instance]
unless key
* Blend new mix and check it's consistence
* @param { Object } data ingredients
* @return { Object } state
blend: (data) ->
state =
consistent : false
data : data
inconsistency : []
positive = true
inconsistency = state.inconsistency
for type, mod of @ruleTypes
for rule in @rules[type]
# accumulate matching data
report =
options : []
values : []
summary : {}
type : type
rule : rule.toString()
# search matches for each data value
for key, value of
if rule.test value
report.options.push key
report.values.push value
report.summary[key] = value
# if there are few options matched
# state becomes inconsistent for proper matching type
found = report.values.length > 1
# by default state is consistent,
# positive rules are the first and if
# such rule was mached, we mark
# state as consistent and break
# positive rules mathing cycle
if mod is positive
if found
state.consistent = true
# break positive rules mathing cycle
# negative matches are after positive
if found
inconsistency.push report
state.consistent = false
unless state.inconsistency.length
delete state.inconsistency
* Determine if data is consistent
* @param { Object } data ingredients
* @return { Boolean } consistent decision
isConsistent: (data = @get().data) ->
@blend data
* Determine if data is NOT consistent
* @param { Object } data ingredients
* @return { Boolean } consistent decision
isntConsistent: (data = @get().data) ->
not @blend data
* Create proxy methods for target object
* @param {Object} target
* @return {Object} target with blender methods
bridge: (target) ->
for method in @interface
do (method) =>
unless target[method]
target[method] = =>
@[method] arguments...
describe "Blender", ->
before ->
@process = (data) ->
state = @blender.blend(data)
console.log JSON.stringify state, null, 4
@blender = new Blender
consistent: [
# show "all" violation level option only for line view
line # view
|Levels.all # option
# show some options only with proper view types
line # view
|column_stacked # view
|person_activity # type
|groupingByPeriod # option
|Levels.(high|low|medium|no) # option(s)
# show some options only for non-dynamic charts
showOthersGroup # option
|showValues # option
|showPercentage # option
|bar # view(s)
|pie # view
bar # view
|pie # view
|object_type_code # type
|category # type
|protected_document # type
|protected_catalog # type
|object_to_list # type
|policy # type
|sender_receiver # type
|sender # type
|receiver # type
|workstation # type
|web_resources # type
|user_decision # type
inconsistent: [
# disable bar & pie for charts that represents dynamic
person_activity # type
|bar # view
|pie # view
# dont show some options for column & line
column_stacked # view
|line # view
|limit # option
|showValues # option
# dont show limit for some types
limit # option
|object_type_code # type
|user_decision # type
it "1. should determine state inconsistence", ->
type: "protected_document"
view: "bar_grouped"
it "2. should determine state inconsistence", ->
consistence = @process type: "person_activity", view: "bar_grouped"{
"consistent": false,
"data": {
"type": "person_activity",
"view": "bar_grouped"
"inconsistency": [
"options": [
"values": [
"summary": {
"type": "person_activity",
"view": "bar_grouped"
"type": "inconsistent",
"rule": "/person_activity|bar|pie/"
it "3. should determine state inconsistence", ->
@process type: "person_activity", view: "line"
consistence = @process type: "protected_document", view: "column_stacked"{
"consistent": false,
"data": {
"type": "protected_document",
"view": "column_stacked"
it "should determine state consistence", ->
consistence = @process
type: "person_activity"
view: "line"
option: "count"
"consistent": true,
"data": {
"type": "person_activity",
"view": "line",
"option": "count"
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