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Last active October 28, 2018 07:13
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import { promisify } from '@0xproject/utils';
import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js';
import * as Web3 from 'web3';
import { {{contractName}} as ContractArtifacts } from '../abi/ts/{{contractName}}';
import { BaseContract, CONTRACT_WRAPPER_ERRORS } from '@your-project/base-contract';
import { TxData, TxDataPayable, classUtils } from '@your-project/types';
import { Web3Utils } from '../../utils/Web3Utils';
export class {{contractName}}Contract extends BaseContract {
{{#each methods}}
{{> call contractName=../contractName}}
{{> tx contractName=../contractName}}
async deploy(...args: any[]): Promise<any> {
const wrapper = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(err: string, contract: Web3.ContractInstance) => {
if (err) {
} else if (contract.address) {
wrapper.web3ContractInstance =;
wrapper.address = contract.address;
static async deployed(web3: Web3, defaults: Partial<TxData>): Promise<{{contractName}}Contract> {
const currentNetwork =;
const { abi, networks }: { abi: any; networks: any } = ContractArtifacts;
const web3ContractInstance = web3.eth.contract(abi).at(networks[currentNetwork].address);
return new {{contractName}}Contract(web3ContractInstance, defaults);
static async at(
address: string,
web3: Web3,
defaults: Partial<TxData>,
): Promise<{{contractName}}Contract> {
const { abi }: { abi: any } = ContractArtifacts;
const web3Utils = new Web3Utils(web3);
const contractExists = await web3Utils.doesContractExistAtAddressAsync(address);
const currentNetwork = await web3Utils.getNetworkIdAsync();
if (contractExists) {
const web3ContractInstance = web3.eth.contract(abi).at(address);
return new {{contractName}}Contract(web3ContractInstance, defaults);
} else {
throw new Error(
constructor(web3ContractInstance: Web3.ContractInstance, defaults: Partial<TxData>) {
super(web3ContractInstance, defaults);
classUtils.bindAll(this, ['web3ContractInstance', 'defaults']);
} // tslint:disable:max-file-line-count
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