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CIL plugin example

CIL plugin example


You need Ocaml ≥ 3.12 and findlib.

For instance, on Debian or Ubuntu:

apt-get install ocaml ocaml-findlib

Then, download and install the latest CIL snapshot:

git clone
cd cil
make install

Note for OPAM users

If you use opam, it is strongly recommended to use the following configure invocation:

./configure --prefix=`opam config var prefix`

Writing your plugin

This is very similar to writing a CIL feature for CIL ≤ 1.7.0. See for an example. The significant changes in the API are:

  • open Feature in addition to open Cil;
  • Cil.featureDescr becomes Feature.t;
  • the field fd_enabled is now a mutable bool (instead of a bool ref);
  • features must be registered with Feature.register.

You do not need to copy you plugin inside CIL's tree or to use EXTRA_FEATURES anymore.

Compiling your plugin

Build a .cma and a .cmxs for your plugin:

ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -package cil countCalls.cma countCalls.cmxs

You can of course compile using any other tool (Makefile, CMake, oasis, etc.).

Installing your plugin (optional)

To make your plugin globally available and use it more easily, you need to write a META file. Then, install your plugin with ocamlfind:

ocamlfind install countCalls META _build/countCalls.cma _build/countCalls.cmxs

To uninstall your plugin:

ocamlfind remove countCalls

Note on plugin dependencies

It is possible to use require in your META file to indicate module dependencies: CIL will then load the required dependencies before your plugin. However, do not use require="cil" because it would load CIL twice and your module would fail to register.

Loading your plugin directly

To load your plugin, use the flag --load=.... It is possible to use --load multiple times; plugins are loaded in the order given on the command-line.


cilly --bytecode --load=_build/countCalls.cma --help


cilly --load=_build/countCalls.cmxs --help

Loading your plugin with ocamlfind

This is the recommended way to load your plugin. You need to have installed it first (see above).


cilly --load=countCalls --bytecode --help


cilly --load=countCalls --help

Loading all features provided with CIL

By default, CIL loads cil.default-features. To load all features provided with CIL, use:

cilly --load=cil.all-features --help

To list the available features, you can use:

ocamlfind list | grep ^cil

Setting up your own default features

If you don't want to use --load each time you call cilly, you can set the environment variable CIL_FEATURES:

cilly --help

You can also give absolute paths to your .cma or .cmxs in CIL_FEATURES if you don't want to install your module.

Hint: if you don't need CIL default features, you can just set CIL_FEATURES="countCalls".

open Cil
open Feature (* XXX you need to open the Feature module *)
let counter = ref 0
class countCalls = object(self)
inherit nopCilVisitor
method vinst = function
| Call _ -> incr counter; DoChildren
| _ -> DoChildren
(* XXX Cil.featureDescr is now Feature.t *)
let feature : Feature.t = {
fd_name = "countCalls";
fd_enabled = false; (* XXX fd_enabled is now a bool, not a bool ref anymore. *)
fd_description = "count and display the number of function calls";
fd_extraopt = [];
fd_doit = (function f ->
visitCilFileSameGlobals (new countCalls) f;
Errormsg.log "%s contains %d function calls\n" f.fileName !counter;
fd_post_check = true;
(* XXX you need to register each feature using Feature.register. *)
let () = Feature.register feature
version = "0.1"
description = "count and display the number of function calls"
archive(byte,plugin) = "countCalls.cma"
archive(native,plugin) = "countCalls.cmxs"
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