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Created August 5, 2021 21:08
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Ruby string encoding defaults to UTF-8, but String#strip doesn't alter its definition of whitespace to match the encoding, it's always defined as: '\x00\t\n\v\f\r '. This does not include unicode whitespace no matter the string's encoding, see Ruby Regexp Character Classes for more info. It would appear that [[:space:]] does in fact include unic…
# This was probably encountered and overcome a long time ago, but I ran into it in my own Ruby dealings and thought maybe it could be an issue elsewhere:
# Ruby string encoding defaults to UTF-8, but String#strip doesn't alter its
# definition of whitespace to match the encoding
# String#strip removes lead/trail whitespace defined as: '\x00\t\n\v\f\r '
# null, horiz tab, line feed, vert tab, form feed, carriage return, & space
# This does not include unicode whitespace no matter the string's encoding,
# see Regexp for more info
# It would appear that [[:space:]] does in fact include unicode whitespace
# (at least) when the string encoding is UTF-8. Unicode has all sorts of
# whitespace chars that you've probably never heard of like ogham space mark
STRIP_REGEX = /(?:\A[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+\Z)/
def strip_harder!(str)
str.gsub!(STRIP_REGEX, '')
def strip_harder(str)
str.gsub(STRIP_REGEX, '')
s = "\u00a0"
#=> " "
#=> ""
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