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Last active August 20, 2020 10:33
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  • Save kerns/689fdea381a449c85abd37264bce5c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kerns/689fdea381a449c85abd37264bce5c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


I needed this for priming some image-heavy pages that were slow to cold-load after a cleared cache.

It's ideal for pages with some form of lazyloading / async content pulled from a CDN or a CMS where the first request can take an unacceptably long time to fulfill.

It also generates full page screenshots which can be used in QA or rudimentary visual regression testing.


  • npm i puppeteer yargs chalk-animation
  • Create a file accessible over the network containing a simple list of URLs to warm.
  • Put make-warm.js and together in a folder and make sure they are executable.


The script needs one argument (the network location of the file we want to fetch). You can optionally add a username and password if your site is behind authentication.

./warm [http://location/of/cache-data.whatevs] [optional username] [optional password]


Ideas improvements bugs 👉 @kerns

{# Creating a list of URLs to Warm
This example uses Twig + Craft, because Craft 👌
You'll need to set this up individually based on your CMS and how it is configured.
Don't take anything below for granted. Your output just needs to generate a file in
the following (very simple) format – one link per new line!:
{% spaceless %}
{# Setup our Craft entry query #}
{% set availableCars = craft.entries().section('autos').availability("not sold") %}
{# Loop through our entries and spit out a list of URLs to warm. #}
{% for entry in availableCars %}
{% endfor %}
{# Array of additional urls to warm. siteUrl is prepended and includes a trailing /, so the first (blank) entry is the homepage. #}
{% set array = [
] %}
{% for item in array %}
{{siteUrl ~ item}}
{% endfor %}
{% endspaceless %}
const fs = require("fs"); //
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); //
const chalkAnimation = require("chalk-animation"); //
const { argv } = require("yargs"); //
// Function for parsing data from our list of urls to visit.
function readURLFile(path) {
return fs
.readFileSync(path, "utf-8")
.map((elt) => {
const url = elt.replace("\r", "");
return `${url.toLowerCase()}`;
// Instantiate our browser and start hitting urls.
(async () => {
const startDate = new Date().getTime();
const USER_AGENT =
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3239.108 Safari/537.36";
const urls = readURLFile("./cache-data.twig"); // <- List of urls, fetches this using wget from the file you set up.
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
for (let url of urls) {
const warmingAnimation = chalkAnimation.karaoke(`🌞 Warming: ${url}`);
let page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setUserAgent(USER_AGENT);
try {
// If user and pass arguments passed, submit authentication credentials
if (argv.user && argv.pass) {
// We need to authenticate
await page.authenticate({ username: argv.user, password: argv.pass });
await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: "networkidle2" }); // Wait for network traffic to stop.
// Optional step if you have a modal or some GDPR consent that needs to be dismissed on the first or every page.
try {
await"#elc-accept-all-link"); // <- Change this to the ID of the button or element that needs to be clicked to accept/dismiss cookie consent. etc
// console.log("🍪 Accepting Cookies\n");
} catch (error) {
// console.log("🤭 Cookies Already Accepted\n")
await autoScroll(page); // Get to the bottom of it.
await page.waitFor(2000, { waitUntil: "networkidle2" }); // Be like, super sure everything is loaded and css transitions have run their course.
warmingAnimation.stop(); // Stop the warming animation
warmingAnimation.f = `🌞 Warming: ${url}`.length + 10; // Set the frame manually to [string length + 10] (this is a hack, thank you @bokub)
warmingAnimation.render(); // Render one last frame
chalkAnimation.rainbow(`😎 Success\n`);
// Set the filename of our screenshot
let fileName = url.replace(/(\.|\/|:|%|#)/g, "_");
if (fileName.length > 100) {
fileName = fileName.substring(0, 100);
await page.screenshot({
path: `./cache/${fileName}.jpeg`,
fullPage: true,
} catch (err) {
console.log(`💀 An error occured fetching ${url}`);
} finally {
await page.close();
await browser.close();
`Time elapsed: ${Math.round(
(new Date().getTime() - startDate) / 1000
)} seconds.`
// Function to make sure we trigger rendering of async loaded elements at the bottom of the page.
async function autoScroll(page) {
await page.evaluate(async () => {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var totalHeight = 0;
var distance = 100;
var timer = setInterval(() => {
var scrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
window.scrollBy(0, distance);
totalHeight += distance;
if (totalHeight >= scrollHeight) {
}, 100);
#!/bin/bash -e
# -e means exit if any command fails
echo "💥 Removing old files..."
rm -rf ./cache/*
rm -rf cache-data.twig
sleep 1
echo "🥶 Huddling cold data..."
sleep 1
# Check for username AND password args...
# If the site is behind authentication, our make-warm script will also need them.
if [[ (-n "$2" && -n "$3") ]]; then
wget --user $2 --password $3 --quiet --no-check-certificate $1
sleep 1
node make-warm.js --user=$2 --pass=$3
# If not, keep it vanilla and get to warming.
wget --quiet --no-check-certificate $1
sleep 1
node make-warm.js
echo "✅ Done."
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