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Created July 20, 2012 08:20
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Simple Gesture Recognition
/*jshint asi:true, forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:false, bitwise:true, undef:true, curly:true, browser:true, devel:true, smarttabs:true, maxerr:50 */
* Author: Kerri Shotts
* Version: 0.1 alpha
* License: MIT
* A simple, no-frills gesture recognizer. Permits long-press recognition,
* horizontal swipe recognition, and vertical swipe recognition. Recognizing
* swipes in a particular direction (left, right, up, down) should be easy to
* add later.
* The SimpleGesture class represents the basic recognizer -- it implements all
* the tracking of touch and mouse events. Every 100ms it calls
* a recognition function, which by default does nothing. Essentially, Simple-
* Gesture is abstract. This method is expected to be overridden by a specific
* recognizer, which the LongPressGesture, HorizontalSwipeGesture, and
* VerticalSwipeGesture do.
* The LongPressGesture will fire off an event when a longpress is recognized.
* How this is recognized is partially defined by the caller -- that is,
* two durations can be supplied. By default, the long-press is recognized at
* 1s and cancelled at 3s (assuming no previous recognition). It is also
* cancelled should any movement outside of a 25px radius occur.
* The HorizontalSwipeGesture and VerticalSwipeGesture will fire off an event
* when a swipe in the given axis is detected. This swipe is detected when the
* length of the swipe exceeds 75px (or the provided override), and will be
* fired as long as the duration of the swipe is less than the cancel duration
* (3s by default). The line must not deviate by more than 25px in the specified
* axis, or the gesture will fail to be recognized.
* Usage:
* var anElement = document.getElementById("abc");
* var aLongPressGesture = new GESTURES.LongPressGesture
* ( anElement, theFunctionToCallWhenRecognized,
* [ thePressDuration, [ theCancelDelay ]] );
* var aHorizontalSwipeGesture = new GESTURES.HorizontalSwipeGesture
* ( anElement, theFunctionToCallWhenRecognized,
* [ theSwipeLength, [ theCancelDelay ]] );
* var aVerticalSwipeGesture = new GESTURES.VerticalSwipeGesture
* ( anElement, theFunctionToCallWhenRecognized,
* [ theSwipeLength, [ theCancelDelay ]] );
* Where: anElement is an HTML DOM element
* theFunctionToCallWhenRecognized is a function that will be called
* when the gesture is recognized. It will be passed the recognizer,
* and as such, one can store & retrieve data in this manner:
* = "Hello";
* function theFunctionToCallWhenRecognized ( gr )
* { alert (; }
* This will generate an alert of "Hello" when the element is long-
* pressed.
* thePressDuration: Optional, defaults to 1s. The amount of time required
* to recognize a long-press.
* theSwipeLength: Optional, defaults to 75px. The length of a swipe
* required to recognize a swipe.
* theCancelDelay: Optional, defaults to 3s. If a gesture is not recognized
* prior to this delay, the gesture is cancelled, that is, it will
* never be recognized.
var GESTURES = GESTURES || {}; // create the namespace
GESTURES.SimpleGesture = function ( element )
var self = this;
self.theElement = {};
self._touchStartX = 0;
self._touchStartY = 0;
self._touchX = 0;
self._touchY = 0;
self._deltaX = 0;
self._deltaY = 0;
self._duration = 0;
self._timerId = -1;
self._distance = 0;
self._event = {};
self._cleared = false;
self.attachToElement = function ( element )
// get our element
self.theElement = element;
// attach our listeners
self.theElement.addEventListener ( "touchstart", self.touchStart, false );
self.theElement.addEventListener ( "touchmove", self.touchMove , false );
self.theElement.addEventListener ( "touchend", self.touchEnd, false );
self.theElement.addEventListener ( "mousedown", self.mouseDown, false );
self.theElement.addEventListener ( "mousemove", self.mouseMove, false );
self.theElement.addEventListener ( "mouseup", self.mouseUp, false );
self.recognizeGesture = function ( o )
// we do nothing; no gesture to recognize.
console.log ("default recognizer...");
self.attachGestureRecognizer = function ( fn )
self.recognizeGesture = fn;
self.updateGesture = function ()
self._duration += 100;
self._distance = Math.sqrt((self._deltaX * self._deltaX) +
(self._deltaY * self._deltaY));
console.log ( self._duration );
console.log ("gesture: start: (" + self._touchStartX +
"," + self._touchStartY +
") current: (" + self._touchX +
"," + self._touchY +
") delta: (" + self._deltaX +
"," + self._deltaY +
") delay: " + self._duration +
"ms, " + self._distance + "px");
if (!self._cleared)
self.recognizeGesture( self );
self.clearEvent = function ()
if (self._cleared)
if (self._event.cancelBubble)
if (self._event.stopPropagation)
if (self._event.preventDefault)
self._event.returnValue = false;
if (self._timerId>-1)
clearInterval (self._timerId);
self._timerId = -1;
self._cleared = true;
self.eventStart = function ()
console.log ("eventstart");
self._duration = 0;
self._deltaX = 0;
self._deltaY = 0;
self._cleared = false;
self._touchStartX = self._touchX;
self._touchStartY = self._touchY;
self._timerId = setInterval ( self.updateGesture, 100 );
self.touchStart = function (event)
console.log ("touchstart");
if (event)
self._touchX = event.touches[0].screenX;
self._touchY = event.touches[0].screenY;
self._event = event;
self._touchX = window.event.screenX;
self._touchY = window.event.screenY;
self._event = window.event;
self.mouseDown = function (event)
console.log ("mousedown");
if (event)
self._touchX = event.screenX;
self._touchY = event.screenY;
self._event = event;
self._touchX = window.event.screenX;
self._touchY = window.event.screenY;
self._event = window.event;
self.eventMove = function ()
console.log ("eventmove");
self._deltaX = self._touchX - self._touchStartX;
self._deltaY = self._touchY - self._touchStartY;
var distance = Math.sqrt((self._deltaX * self._deltaX) +
(self._deltaY * self._deltaY));
self.touchMove = function (event)
console.log ("touchmove");
if (event)
self._touchX = event.touches[0].screenX;
self._touchY = event.touches[0].screenY;
self._event = event;
self._touchX = window.event.screenX;
self._touchY = window.event.screenY;
self._event = window.event;
self.mouseMove = function (event)
console.log ("mousemove");
if (event)
self._touchX = event.screenX;
self._touchY = event.screenY;
self._event = event;
self._touchX = window.event.screenX;
self._touchY = window.event.screenY;
self._event = window.event;
self.eventEnd = function ()
console.log ("eventend");
self.touchEnd = function (event)
console.log ("touchend");
self._event = event || window.event;
self.mouseUp = function (event)
console.log ("mouseup");
self._event = event || window.event;
// attach to the element passed in the constructor.
self.attachToElement ( element );
GESTURES.LongPressGesture = function( element, whatToDo, delayToRecognition, delayToCancel )
var myGesture = new GESTURES.SimpleGesture ( element );
myGesture._delayToRecognition = delayToRecognition || 1000;
myGesture._delayToCancel = delayToCancel || 3000;
myGesture._whatToDo = whatToDo;
myGesture.attachGestureRecognizer ( function ( o )
// no finger movement
if (o._distance < 25)
// must be between our minimum and maximum delay
if (o._duration >= o._delayToRecognition && o._duration <= o._delayToCancel )
// long-press recognized
o._whatToDo( o );
// long-press cancelled.
return myGesture;
GESTURES.HorizontalSwipeGesture = function( element, whatToDo, radiusToRecognition, delayToCancel )
var myGesture = new GESTURES.SimpleGesture ( element );
myGesture._radiusToRecognition = radiusToRecognition || 50;
myGesture._delayToCancel = delayToCancel || 3000;
myGesture._whatToDo = whatToDo;
myGesture.attachGestureRecognizer ( function ( o )
console.log ("horizontal recognizer...");
// no finger movement
if (o._distance > o._radiusToRecognition)
console.log ("1");
// must be between our minimum and maximum delay
if (o._duration <= o._delayToCancel )
console.log ("2");
// finger must trace a straight line
if ( Math.abs(o._deltaY) < 25 )
console.log ("3");
console.log ("4");
o._whatToDo( o );
} );
return myGesture;
GESTURES.VerticalSwipeGesture = function( element, whatToDo, radiusToRecognition, delayToCancel )
var myGesture = new GESTURES.SimpleGesture ( element );
myGesture._radiusToRecognition = radiusToRecognition || 50;
myGesture._delayToCancel = delayToCancel || 3000;
myGesture._whatToDo = whatToDo;
myGesture.attachGestureRecognizer ( function ( o )
// no finger movement
if (o._distance > o._radiusToRecognition)
// must be between our minimum and maximum delay
if (o._duration <= o._delayToCancel )
// finger must trace a straight line
if ( Math.abs(o._deltaX) < 25 )
o._whatToDo( o );
return myGesture;
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