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Created August 6, 2012 06:58
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/*jshint asi:true, forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:false, bitwise:true, undef:true, curly:true, browser:true, devel:true, smarttabs:true, maxerr:50 */
* Author: Kerri Shotts
* This library includes routines to deal with the FILE API, (which is... a bit
* painful.) The purpose of the library is to reduce the amount of work necessary
* to go through obtaining a file system, working with directories and files,
* etc. That isn't to say that we can eliminate callbacks or even callback
* chaining -- but it is significantly easier without all the intervening cruft,
* which is essentially (for all intents and purposes) boilerplate.
* This library provides various conveniences that make referencing persistent
* and temporary storage a bit easier as well. For example, you can use a
* path like the following:
* doc://photo.jpg --> /some/gobbledygook/yourApp/Documents/photo.jpg
* tmp://photo.jpg --> /some/gobbledygook/yourApp/tmp/photo.jpg
* Several APIs (such as camera capture) may also refer to paths with
* "file://localhost" attached. The routines will gracefully remove this so that
* the reference is a true file.
* For those who are more comfortable with *nix/BSD commands, nearly each method
* has a version that correlates to a roughly *nix name. The parameters are the
* same, however.
* copyFileTo ( source, target, success, failure ) | cp ()
* moveFileTo ( source, target, success, failure ) | mv ()
* removeFile ( theFile, success, failure ) | rm ()
* renameFile ( source, newName, success, failure ) | -
* createFileWriter ( theFile, success, failure ) | fcreate ()
* writeFileData ( writer, theData, success, failure ) | fwrite ()
* getListing ( path, filters, success, failure ) | ls ()
* createDirectory ( path, newDirectory, success, failure )| mkdir()
* removeDirectory ( path, theDirectory, success, failure )| rmdir()
* createFileReader ( theFile, success, failure ) | fopen()
* readFileData ( reader, success, failure ) | fread()
// create the namespace
// Properties
// set to true to enable console logging
PKFILE.consoleLogging = false;
// these will be set upon first method that needs them
PKFILE.persistentFS = "";
PKFILE.persistentFSName = "";
PKFILE.temporaryFS = "";
PKFILE.temporaryFSName = "";
// Methods
* Determines the persistent and temporary file systems prior
* to file operations. While it's unlikely that these will
* change during application execution, it certainly doesn't
* hurt to re-read them whenever possible (just in case!).
* When both are read, the success method is called. If we
* can't obtain one or the other, the failure method is called.
PKFILE._initializeFileSystems = function ( success, failure )
// we need to request two file systems: persistent and temporary.
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0,
function (fs)
PKFILE.persistentFS = fs.root.fullPath;
PKFILE.persistentFSName =;
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 0,
function (fs)
PKFILE.temporaryFS = fs.root.fullPath;
PKFILE.temporaryFSName =;
if (success)
* Handles substition strings within a file path.
* doc:/ translates to the persistent storage. We don't use "//" here
* since the persistentFS doesn't have a trailing "/", so we leave
* that in the original.
* tmp:/ translates to the temporary storage.
* file://localhost translates to nothing.
PKFILE._replaceFS = function ( s )
return s.replace ( "doc:/", PKFILE.persistentFS )
.replace ( "tmp:/", PKFILE.temporaryFS )
.replace ( "file://localhost", "" );
* Copies the file identified by @source to the file identified by @target.
* If the copy is successful, success() is called. If not, failure() is
* called.
* The target will generally be of the form "doc://filename", but it can
* be any path and file name that the application has access to.
* NOTE: Copying will fail if the target exists.
PKFILE.copyFileTo = function ( source, target, success, failure )
PKFILE._initializeFileSystems (
var newSource = PKFILE._replaceFS ( source );
var newTarget = PKFILE._replaceFS ( target );
var newTargetDir = PKUTIL.FILE.getPathPart (newTarget);
var sourceFileEntry = new FileEntry ( PKUTIL.FILE.getFilePart ( newSource ),
newSource );
var targetDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry ( newTargetDir.substr(newTargetDir.lastIndexOf('/')+1),
sourceFileEntry.copyTo ( targetDirEntry, PKUTIL.FILE.getFilePart ( target ),
success, failure );
* *nix convenience method.
PKFILE.cp = function ( source, target, success, failure )
PKFILE.copyFileTo ( source, target, success, failure );
* Moves the file identified by @source to the file identified by @target.
* If the move is successful, success() is called. If not, failure() is
* called.
* The target will generally be of the form "doc://filename", but it can
* be any path and file name that the application has access to.
* NOTE: The move will overwrite the target if it exists.
PKFILE.moveFileTo = function ( source, target, success, failure )
PKFILE._initializeFileSystems (
var newSource = PKFILE._replaceFS ( source );
var newTarget = PKFILE._replaceFS ( target );
var newTargetDir = PKUTIL.FILE.getPathPart (newTarget);
var sourceFileEntry = new FileEntry ( PKUTIL.FILE.getFilePart ( newSource ),
newSource );
var targetDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry ( newTargetDir.substr(newTargetDir.lastIndexOf('/')+1),
sourceFileEntry.moveTo ( targetDirEntry, PKUTIL.FILE.getFilePart ( target ),
success, failure );
* Convenience method that allows renaming a file in the same
* directory as the source. The source's path will prepended
* to the new name.
* NOTE: The move will overwrite the target if it exists.
PKFILE.renameFile = function ( source, newName, success, failure )
var target = PKUTIL.FILE.getPathPart ( source ) + "/" + newName;
PKFILE.moveFileTo ( source, target, success, failure );
* *nix convenience method.
*/ = function ( source, target, success, failure )
PKFILE.moveFileTo ( source, target, success, failure );
* Removes the file identified by @theFile. The full path must
* be specified.
PKFILE.removeFile = function ( theFile, success, failure )
PKFILE._initializeFileSystems (
var newSource = PKFILE._replaceFS ( theFile );
var sourceFileEntry = new FileEntry ( PKUTIL.FILE.getFilePart ( newSource ),
newSource );
sourceFileEntry.remove ( success, failure );
* *nix convenience method.
PKFILE.rm = function ( theFile, success, failure )
PKFILE.removeFile ( theFile, success, failure );
* Creates a fileWriter for @theFile. If successful, it will
* call success() with the created writer. If unsuccessful, it
* will call failure().
* Once in success(), writeFileData() may be used to finish
* the writing of data to the file.
* Note: if the file exists, it will be overwritten.
PKFILE.createFileWriter = function ( theFile, success, failure )
PKFILE._initializeFileSystems (
var newSource = PKFILE._replaceFS ( theFile );
var sourceFileEntry = new FileEntry ( PKUTIL.FILE.getFilePart ( newSource ),
newSource );
sourceFileEntry.createWriter ( success, failure );
* *nix convenience method.
PKFILE.fcreate = function ( theFile, success, failure )
PKFILE.createFileWriter ( theFile, success, failure );
* Writes @theData to the specified writer. When complete,
* success() will be called. If it fails, failure().
PKFILE.writeFileData = function ( writer, theData, success, failure )
writer.onerror = failure;
writer.onwriteend = success;
writer.write ( theData );
* *nix convenience method.
PKFILE.fwrite = function ( writer, theData, success, failure )
PKFILE.writeFileData ( writer, theData, success, failure );
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Add an fexists function.

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Move PKUTIL.FILE methods to PKFILE to make standalone.

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