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Created January 24, 2015 03:27
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Simple note taker and time tracker. Add to path to use anywhere. Tested on OS X 10.10 (BSD).
# note v0.1
# Kerri Shotts <>
# Add a note to a file (or default file in current directory) with an optional timestamp and other nifty features
# what version are we?
# A POSIX variable
OPTIND=1 # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell.
# Output file. I like to create a local text file in the local directory. If you prefer a global file by default,
# use ~ instead of the dot.
# If 1, a timestamp will be generated
# If 1, a new task is started
# if 1, a task will be ended, and the difference between the start and end of the task is computed
# if 0, the file is overwritten
# if 1, the utility is extremely verbose.
# the message to store
# the first character. By default a ".". When a task begins, ">", and when a task ends, "<"
# @method v
# @param {string} string to display, if $verbose is 1
function v {
if [ $verbose -eq 1 ]; then
echo "note: $1";
# @method write_to_file
# @param {string} string to write to the output file. If $append is zero, the file is overwritten.
function write_to_file {
if [ $append -eq 0 ]; then
v "overwriting $output_file";
printf "$1\n" > $output_file;
printf "$1\n" >> $output_file;
v "added $1 to $output_file"
# parse te command line
# command line switch processing stolen from
while getopts "h?vVtOBEf:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
echo "";
echo "note v$version";
echo "Kerri Shotts <>";
echo "";
echo "Usage:";
echo " $0 [options] \"note\""
echo "";
echo "Switches:";
echo " -h, -?: show this help";
echo " -f: output file ($output_file)";
echo " -t: generate timestamp";
echo " -O: overwrite (default is to append)";
echo " -B: begin task; generates timestamp";
echo " -E: end task; computes time difference";
echo " -v: verbose";
echo " -V: version";
echo "";
echo "Note: To prevent expansion, you should quote your note.";
echo "";
exit 0;
v) verbose=1
V) echo "$version";
exit 0;
f) output_file=$OPTARG
t) put_timestamp=1;
v "will write timestamp";
B) begin_task=1;
v "will write timestamp and begin task";
E) end_task=1
v "will end task and compute time difference";
O) append=0
shift $((OPTIND-1))
[ "$1" = "--" ] && shift
# Although the message should be quoted, ideally, we'll take the remainder of the
# command line just in case the user forgot.
# if there is no message, we'll display the last few lines of the output file
if [ "$message" = "" ]; then
v "Listing last few lines of $output_file:";
v "===================================================";
tail "$output_file";
v "===================================================";
v "done.";
exit 0;
# if we're ending a task, get the previous date when we were starting a task.
# then compute the number of seconds and divide by 3600 for an hour.minute
# value. This is added to the message.
if [ "$end_task" -eq "1" ]; then
v "Ending task and computing time difference...";
a=`awk "/>\t.+\t\t/" "$output_file" | tail -n 1 | cut -f 2`;
v "... task started at $a";
v "... and ended at $b";
secsa=`date -j -f "%a %b %d %T %Z %Y" "$a" "+%s"`
v "... task started at $secsa seconds";
secsb=`date -j -f "%a %b %d %T %Z %Y" "$b" "+%s"`
v "... and ended at $secsb seconds";
message="$message; took: `echo \"scale=2; ($secsb-$secsa)/60/60\" | bc`"
# beginning a task just adds a visual break
if [ "$begin_task" -eq "1" ]; then
write_to_file "\n"
# generate the message, along with the first character and timestamp if desired.
if [ "$put_timestamp" -eq "1" ]; then
write_to_file "$firstchar\t`date`\t\t$message"
write_to_file "$firstchar\t\t\t$message"
# done.
v "done."
# End of file
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By default the script will write to ./my-notes.txt. If you don't want that to be the default file, edit the script appropriately, or use the -f switch.


With the default file:

note -B "Started working on feature A"     # begin a task
note -t "This note has a timestamp"        # add an entry with a timestamp
note "This note doesn't"                   # add an entry without a timestamp
note -E "Finished working on feature A"    # and end the task, computing the time difference
note                                       # display the recent notes

Specifying files:

note -f ~/global_notes.txt -B "Start Project"
note -f ~/global_notes.txt -t "Add a timestamp"
note -f ~/global_notes.txt "And one without"
note -f ~/global_notes.txt -E "End project"
note -f ~/global_notes.txt

Additional switches

  • v Turn on verbose mode
  • V display the version
  • h display help
  • ? display help
  • O overwrite the target file


This script relies on date, bc, test, awk, tail and cut.

My environment is Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).


You can do whatever you like with this script; I'm releasing it under the MIT license.

While this script works on my machine, I assume no risk for your use, misuse, or abuse. Always verify scripts before adding them to your environment.

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