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Last active March 18, 2022 02:36
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Rounded square within background-image
// Naive way to create a rounded square shape within a background-image.
// This creates 4 corner circles (radial-gradient) and two overlapping
// rectangles (linear-gradient) to form the shape. The code below only supports
// solid colors, but with some math applied to the gradient and gradient stops,
// you may be able to have a seamless gradient.
$rounded-square-bg: blue;
$rounded-square-radius: 15px;
.rounded-square-within-background-image {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
radial-gradient(circle #{$rounded-square-radius} at #{$rounded-square-radius} #{$rounded-square-radius}, #{$rounded-square-bg} 99%, transparent 0),
radial-gradient(circle #{$rounded-square-radius} at calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius}) #{$rounded-square-radius}, #{$rounded-square-bg} 99%, transparent 0),
radial-gradient(circle #{$rounded-square-radius} at calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius}) calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius}), #{$rounded-square-bg} 99%, transparent 0),
radial-gradient(circle #{$rounded-square-radius} at #{$rounded-square-radius} calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius}), #{$rounded-square-bg} 99%, transparent 0),
linear-gradient(to right, transparent #{$rounded-square-radius}, #{$rounded-square-bg} #{$rounded-square-radius} calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius}), transparent calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius})),
linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent #{$rounded-square-radius}, #{$rounded-square-bg} #{$rounded-square-radius} calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius}), transparent calc(100% - #{$rounded-square-radius}));
background-repeat: no-repeat;
// Translates to:
// .rounded-square-within-background-image {
// width: 100px;
// height: 100px;
// background-image:
// radial-gradient(circle 15px at 15px 15px, blue 99%, transparent 0),
// radial-gradient(circle 15px at calc(100% - 15px) 15px, blue 99%, transparent 0),
// radial-gradient(circle 15px at calc(100% - 15px) calc(100% - 15px), blue 99%, transparent 0),
// radial-gradient(circle 15px at 15px calc(100% - 15px), blue 99%, transparent 0),
// linear-gradient(to right, transparent 15px, blue 15px calc(100% - 15px), transparent calc(100% - 15px)),
// linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 15px, blue 15px calc(100% - 15px), transparent calc(100% - 15px));
// background-repeat: no-repeat;
// }
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