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Last active January 30, 2020 17:29
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  • Save kerstvo/d8a8f513e824dcf06191a611db115b35 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* var long = $.wa.kmLongAction();
* long.start({
process_url: 'url_to_walongaction_controller',
start: {
data: { id: some_id }
(function ($) {
"use strict";
$.wa.kmLongAction = function () {
var data = {},
processId = 0,
stopFlag = 0,
pauseFlag = 0,
timerQueue = [];
var options = {
process_url: null, // endpoint
delay: 2000, // between requests
parallel: 1, // how many steps to run
debug: false,
afterCleanUp: function () {
}, // after all done and all timeres trashed
onServerError: function (response) {
// start related options
start: {
data: {}, // data to be passed to url
onStart: function () {}, // just after start
// inside callback after first response come
onBegin: function (response) {}, // first line
onEnd: function (response) {}, // last line
onSuccess: function (response) {}, // success response
onError: function (response) {}, // error response
onUnknown: function (response) {} // some unknown happened
// step related options
step: {
data: {}, // data to be passed to url
responseParams: {
ready: 'ready',
error: 'error',
progress: 'progress',
pause: 'pause'
stopData: {'stop': 1}, // stop param
pauseData: {'pause': 1}, // pause param
immediately: false, // start steps immediately after 'start' succeeds
repeatOnError: 3, // how many times to repeat step after error comes
// inside step post callback
onBegin: function (response) {}, // first line @ step
onEnd: function (response) {}, // last line @ step
onNo: function (response) { // no response come...
return true; // should return true to step after
onReady: function (response) {}, // on 'ready' param come in response
onProgress: function (response) {}, // progressando
onPause: function (response) {}, // on 'pause' param come in response
onStop: function (response) {}, // on 'stop' param come in response
onUnknown: function (response) {}, // some unknown params in response
onError: function (response) {}, // on 'error' param come in response
onCustom: function (response) { // custom callback
return false; // should return false to go to the next condition, or true to break it
function _cleanUp() {
processId = null;
stopFlag = 0;
pauseFlag = 0;
var timer_id = timerQueue.pop();
while (timer_id) {
timer_id = timerQueue.pop();
timerQueue = [];
if ($.isFunction(data.afterCleanUp)) {
function _step(delay) {
delay = delay || data.delay;
var repeatOnError = data.step.repeatOnError;
if (! { = function () {
return new Date().getTime();
var timer_id = setTimeout(function () {
var step_data = $.extend(
pauseFlag ? data.step.pauseData : {},
stopFlag ? data.step.stopData : {},
processId: processId,
_debug({'step start': step_data});
$.post(data.process_url, step_data, function (r) {
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onBegin)) {
if (!r) {
_debug('step: something wrong - no response');
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onNo) && data.step.onNo(r)) {
_step(data.delay * 2);
} else if (data.step.onCustom && $.isFunction(data.step.onCustom) && data.step.onCustom(r)) {
_debug({'step: custom callback': r});
} else if (r[data.step.responseParams.ready]) {
_debug({'step: all done': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onReady)) {
} else if (r[data.step.responseParams.error]) {
_debug({'step: error': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onError)) {
if (repeatOnError--) {
_step(delay * 3);
} else {
} else if (r[data.step.responseParams.pause]) {
_debug({'step: in pause': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onPause)) {
_step(delay * 2); // next step
} else if (r[data.step.responseParams.progress]) {
_debug({'step: in progress': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onProgress)) {
repeatOnError = data.step.repeatOnError;
_step(delay); // next step
} else {
_debug({'step: some unknown': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onUnknown)) {
if (repeatOnError--) {
_step(delay * 3);
} else {
if ($.isFunction(data.step.onEnd)) {
}, 'json').fail(function () {
_debug('step: server error');
if ($.isFunction(data.onServerError)) {
if (repeatOnError--) {
_step(delay * 3);
} else {
}, delay);
function _debug(msg) {
if (console.log && data.debug) {
console.log({'kmLongAction': msg});
return {
// start all process
start: function (o) {
data = $.extend(true, {}, options, o);
if ($.isFunction(data.start.onStart)) {
if (!data.process_url) {
return false;
_debug('post to long action');
$.post(data.process_url,, function (r) {
_debug({'start: post ok': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.start.onBegin)) {
_debug({'start: after init()': r});
if (r && r.processId) {
processId = r.processId;
if ($.isFunction(data.start.onSuccess)) {
for (var i = 1; i <= data.parallel; i++) {
_step(data.step.immediately ? 0 : data.delay * i);
} else if (r && r.error) {
_debug({'start: error': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.start.onError)) {
} else {
_debug({'start: some error': r});
if ($.isFunction(data.start.onUnknown)) {
if ($.isFunction(data.start.onEnd)) {
}, 'json').fail(function () {
_debug('start: post fail');
if ($.isFunction(data.onServerError)) {
step: _step,
stop: function () { // will send stop data with next step
if (processId) {
stopFlag = 1;
halt: _cleanUp,
pause: function () { // will send pause data with next step
pauseFlag = 1;
continue: function () {
pauseFlag = 0;
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