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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Java Game Development
import Zen.*;
public class MyGame extends ZenGame {
// What code should happen when you click run?
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyGame game = new MyGame();
game.setName("My first game!");
game.setSize(800, 600);;
public void setup() {
// Make a sprite for your game.
MySprite self;
self = new MySprite();
// Add yourself to the game.
// How do you set up your game?
public void loop() {
// What happens during each frame of your game?
public class MySprite extends ZenSprite {
// How should this sprite move at each step?
public void move() {
// Check if a key is pressed
if (Zen.isKeyPressed("left")) {
// Check if the mouse is clicked
if (Zen.isMouseClicked()) {
// How should this sprite draw itself?
public void draw() {
Rectangle example;
example = new Rectangle(50, 40);
example.set(getX(), getY());
// Your code here
// An example of an additional function added to MySprite
public void specialAttack() {
Circle explosion = new Circle(50);
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