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Created January 10, 2012 15:38
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Django MongoDB + SQL dump middleware
from django.core.exceptions import MiddlewareNotUsed
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connection
from pymongo.connection import Connection
from time import time
import struct
import bson
from bson.errors import InvalidBSON
class SqldumpMiddleware(object):
def __init__(self):
if not settings.DEBUG:
raise MiddlewareNotUsed()
def process_view(self, request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs):
self._used_msg_ids = []
if settings.DEBUG and 'sqldump' in request.GET:
# save old methods
self.orig_send_message = \
self.orig_send_message_with_response = \
# instrument methods to record messages
Connection._send_message = \
Connection._send_message_with_response = \
return None
def process_response(self, request, response):
if settings.DEBUG and 'sqldump' in request.GET:
response.content = "\n".join([str(q) for q in connection.queries])
total_time = sum([float(q.get('time',0)) for q in connection.queries])
response.content += "\n{ 'total_time': %.3f }" % total_time
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
# remove instrumentation from pymongo
Connection._send_message = \
Connection._send_message_with_response = \
return response
def _instrument(self, original_method):
def instrumented_method(*args, **kwargs):
message = _mongodb_decode_wire_protocol(args[1][1])
if message['msg_id'] in self._used_msg_ids:
return original_method(*args, **kwargs)
start = time()
result = original_method(*args, **kwargs)
stop = time()
duration = stop - start
'mongo': message,
'time': '%.3f' % duration,
return result
return instrumented_method
def _mongodb_decode_wire_protocol(message):
""" """
2001: 'msg',
2002: 'insert',
2003: 'reserved',
2004: 'query',
2005: 'get_more',
2006: 'delete',
2007: 'kill_cursors',
_, msg_id, _, opcode, _ = struct.unpack('<iiiii', message[:20])
op = MONGO_OPS.get(opcode, 'unknown')
zidx = 20
collection_name_size = message[zidx:].find('\0')
collection_name = message[zidx:zidx+collection_name_size]
zidx += collection_name_size + 1
skip, limit = struct.unpack('<ii', message[zidx:zidx+8])
zidx += 8
msg = ""
msg = bson.decode_all(message[zidx:])
except InvalidBSON:
msg = 'invalid bson'
return { 'op': op, 'collection': collection_name,
'msg_id': msg_id, 'skip': skip, 'limit': limit,
'query': msg }
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