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Last active December 17, 2021 02:15
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@typescript-eslint/naming-convention testing with XO
module.exports = {
rules: {
'@typescript-eslint/naming-convention': [
// selector: ['variableLike', 'memberLike', 'property', 'method'],
// Note: Leaving out `parameter` and `typeProperty` because of the mentioned known issues.
// Note: We are intentionally leaving out `enumMember` as it's usually pascal-case or upper-snake-case.
selector: ['variable', 'function', 'classProperty', 'objectLiteralProperty', 'parameterProperty', 'classMethod', 'objectLiteralMethod', 'typeMethod', 'accessor'],
format: [
// We allow double underscope because of GraphQL type names and some React names.
leadingUnderscore: 'allowSingleOrDouble',
trailingUnderscore: 'allow'
selector: 'typeLike',
format: [
selector: 'variable',
types: [
format: [
prefix: [
// Allow UPPER_CASE in global constants.
selector: 'variable',
modifiers: ['const', 'global'],
format: ['strictCamelCase', 'UPPER_CASE']
selector: 'variable',
types: ['boolean'],
modifiers: ['const', 'global'],
format: ['UPPER_CASE'],
prefix: ['IS_', 'HAS_', 'CAN_', 'SHOULD_', 'WILL_', 'DID_'],
filter: '[A-Z]{2,}'
// Interface name should not be prefixed with `I`.
selector: 'interface',
filter: /^(?!I)[A-Z]/.source,
format: [
// Type parameter name should either be `T` or a descriptive name.
selector: 'typeParameter',
filter: /^T$|^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+$/.source,
format: [
// Allow these in non-camel-case when quoted.
selector: [
format: null,
modifiers: [
// Allowed
const globalConst = 'a string';
const isGlobalBoolean = true;
let isBoolean = true;
const GLOBAL_CONST = 'a string';
const IS_GLOBAL_BOOLEAN = true;
const quotedProperties = {
'Has-Dash': 13,
'': 13,
'has SPACE': 13,
// Not allowed
const global_const = 'a string';
let nonconstantboolean = true;
const isglobalboolean = true;
const GLOBAL_BOOLEAN = true;
let GLOBAL_LET = 'a string';
const BadPropertyNames = {
lowercase_property: 13,
function test() {
const LOCAL_CONST = 'a string';
✖ 17:7 Variable name global_const must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase, UPPER_CASE
✖ 18:5 Variable name nonconstantboolean must have one of the following prefixes: is, has, can, should, will, did
✖ 19:7 Variable name isglobalboolean trimmed as globalboolean must match one of the following formats: StrictPascalCase
✖ 20:7 Variable name GLOBAL_BOOLEAN must have one of the following prefixes: IS_, HAS_, CAN_, SHOULD_, WILL_, DID_
✖ 21:5 Variable name GLOBAL_LET must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase
✖ 22:7 Variable name BadPropertyNames must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase, UPPER_CASE
✖ 23:2 Object Literal Property name UPPERCASE_PROPERTY must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase
✖ 24:2 Object Literal Property name lowercase_property must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase
✖ 25:2 Object Literal Property name UPPERCASE must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase
✖ 28:8 Variable name LOCAL_CONST must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase
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