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Understanding use of AsyncIO Library in Python
import time
import asyncio
start = time.time()
def tic():
return 'at %1.1f seconds' % (time.time() - start)
async def gr1():
# Busy waits for a second, but we don't want to stick around...
print('gr1 started work: {}'.format(tic()))
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print('gr1 ended work: {}'.format(tic()))
async def gr2():
# Busy waits for a second, but we don't want to stick around...
print('gr2 started work: {}'.format(tic()))
await asyncio.sleep(2)
print('gr2 Ended work: {}'.format(tic()))
async def gr3():
print("Let's do some stuff while the coroutines are blocked, {}".format(tic()))
await asyncio.sleep(3)
print("Done @ {}".format(tic()))
io_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = [
gr1 started work: at 0.0 seconds
gr2 started work: at 0.0 seconds
Let's do some stuff while the coroutines are blocked, at 0.0 seconds
gr2 Ended work: at 2.0 seconds
Done @ at 3.0 seconds
gr1 ended work: at 5.0 seconds
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