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Last active March 25, 2018 17:15
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A simple bash script which processes all the sequence of programs required to run while ethereum smart contract developement.
# The sequence of steps followed while developing and testing smartContracts are:
# 0. Starting the private network via ganache-cli
# 1. Modification of solidity code(.sol) or frontend(.html) file
# 2. Compilation of the solidity code(.sol) which generates (.abi) and (.bin) file with the contract's name
# 3. Changing frontend(.html) file such that the new (.abi) and code(.bin) is reflected.
# 4. Restarting HTTPServer such that the changes are reflected
# 5. Opening the browser and entering the ip:port
# Basically the above 6 sequence is combined sequencially and executed at once.
# Provided you html file, solidity file, and contract address have the same name defined below as fname
solc --overwrite -o . --bin --abi $fname.sol
code=$(cat $fname.bin)
sed -i -e "s/^\s\{4\}var\scode\s=\s".*";$/ var code = \"$code\";/" $fname.html
abi=$(cat $fname.abi)
sed -i -e "s/^\s\{4\}var\sabi\s=\s.*;$/ var abi = $abi;/" $fname.html
# check if ganache is already running
numG=$(ps -ef | grep -c "ganache-cli")
# if not running then start ganache-cli or display the ganache-cli process
if [ "$numG" -eq 1 ]
ganache-cli &
echo "Ganache Already Running"
ps -ef | grep "ganache-cli" | head -n$(($numG-1))
# upload to Server Where The question is hosted via sftp protocol
# uncomment below if wanted this feature
#scp -r ~/ctf/q1/examples/question1.html root@[your_server_ip]:~/
# check if python server is running
numP=$(ps -ef | grep -c "SimpleHTTPServer")
# check if python SimpleHTTPServer is already running
if [ "$numP" -gt 1 ]
ps -ef | grep "SimpleHTTPServer" | head -n$(($numP-1))
echo "python SimpleHTTPServer already running, restarting..."
ps -ef | grep "SimpleHTTPServer" | head -n$(($numP-1)) | awk '{print$2}' | xargs kill
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 &
firefox http://localhost:8080/
#sleep infinity
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