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Last active January 8, 2024 03:14
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A Proper Package Registry for JavaScript

A Proper Package Registry for JavaScript

Historically, NPM has had a number of issues that affected the entire ecosystem one way or the other. I tend to believe most of those issues arise from the fundamental design flaws of NPM and are not as easily solved.

In this document, I propose an alternative to the NPM registry. Let's call it a "Proper Package Registry", or PPR for short. This alternative aimes to solve the long-standing issues with NPM, such as name squatting, package unpublishing, versioning, as well as add a few points concerning developer experience, which is close to non-existing when using NPM as a package author.

Package validation

PPR ships with a CLI that offers extensive tools to validate the package you are about to publish. This is completely missing from NPM and has been in the top of my painpoints list for all the years I've been publishing packages.

The package validation tooling helps with the following:

  • Validates package.json for missing required fields, like name, version, and at least one entrypoint (e.g. main).
  • Ensures that the values for the entrypoints reference existing files before publishing. Forgot to run a build command? PPR has got your back, pal.
  • Validates the exports field in package.json, if present. The conditional exports has been a huge pain to work with. The publishing tool should be responsible at least to some extent to ease that pain for the authors.
  • Validated the installed dependencies to not be symlinked. It's not uncommon to symlink things when developing. When publishing, however, everything must be as-is from the registry. Your local links are removed/stashes for the time-being.
  • Recommends sensible community default, such as README and LICENSE files, the inclusion of repository and homepage in package.json, and a clear author field. Even as little as checking whether your static assets aren't broken in README can be a nice experience boost.


  1. All packages are scoped by default. If you are octocat on GitHub, all your packages are published under @octocat/<PACKAGE_NAME> on PPR. No name-squatting. You can only publish packages to the GitHub scopes you own, which allows you to publish packages for your organization as well.
  2. You must provide an explicit tag for each publish. No more accidental publishing of beta releases as latest.
  3. Ideally, an interactive prompt for publishing would be nice. Suggest the next version based on the commits (assumes you're using a commit naming convention that allows that), suggests which tags you want to publish, etc.
  4. Unpublishing. I don't have a concrete suggestion here. Unpublishing is a difficult problem to solve. What I can say is that it's the wrong control flow when the management of your package is decided by how others use it. Ideally, you should be able to unpublish anything at any time but that raises a few moral and practical concerns as history shows.


  1. Ban the postinstall hook. It's a security vulnerability and it's already discouraged. If you need to perform computations on the user's machine, such as assemble a platform-dependent binary, do that on your machine and reference those binaries in exports or similar to be picked up on the right platform.
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