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Created May 13, 2016 19:26
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Compass controller
.controller('compassCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPlatform, Location) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterLeave', function(){
console.log("Before leaving clear the compass");
if(positionTimerId) navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(positionTimerId);
if(compassTimerId) navigator.compass.clearWatch(compassTimerId);
$scope.location = Location.get();
$scope.isError = false;
var destinationPosition;
var destinationBearing;
var positionTimerId;
var currentPosition;
var prevPosition;
var prevPositionError;
var compassTimerId;
var currentHeading;
var prevHeading;
var prevCompassErrorCode;
$scope.initCompass = function(){
minPositionAccuracy = 50; // Minimum accuracy in metres to accept as a reliable position
$scope.watchPosition = function(){
if(positionTimerId) navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(positionTimerId);
positionTimerId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition($scope.onPositionUpdate, $scope.onPositionError, {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 1000,
maxiumumAge: 0
$scope.watchCompass = function(){
if(compassTimerId) navigator.compass.clearWatch(compassTimerId);
compassTimerId = navigator.compass.watchHeading($scope.onCompassUpdate, $scope.onCompassError, {
frequency: 100 // Update interval in ms
$scope.onPositionUpdate = function(position){
if(position.coords.accuracy > minPositionAccuracy) return;
prevPosition = currentPosition;
currentPosition = new LatLon(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
$scope.onPositionError = function(error){
if(prevPositionError && prevPositionError.code == error.code && prevPositionError.message == error.message){
$scope.isError = false;
return ;
$scope.isError = true;
$scope.errorMessage = "Error while retrieving current position. <br/>Error code: " + error.code + "<br/>Message: " + error.message;
prevPositionError = {
code: error.code,
message: error.message
$scope.onCompassUpdate = function(heading){
prevHeading = currentHeading;
currentHeading = Math.round(heading.magneticHeading);
if(currentHeading == prevHeading) return;
function onCompassError(error){
console.log('COMPASS ERROR');
if(prevCompassErrorCode && prevCompassErrorCode == error.code) return;
var errorType;
case 1:
errorType = "Compass not supported";
case 2:
errorType = "Compass internal error";
errorType = "Unknown compass error";
$scope.isError = true;
$scope.errorMessage = "Error while retrieving compass heading: "+errorType;
prevCompassErrorCode = error.code;
$scope.updateDestination = function(){
destinationPosition = new LatLon($, $scope.location.lng);
$scope.updatePositions = function(){
if(!currentPosition) return;
$scope.isError = false;
destinationBearing = Math.round(currentPosition.bearingTo(destinationPosition));
$scope.distance = Math.round(currentPosition.distanceTo(destinationPosition)*1000);
$scope.bearing = destinationBearing;
$scope.updateHeading = function(){
$scope.heading = currentHeading;
$scope.updateDifference = function(){
var diff = destinationBearing - currentHeading;
$scope.difference = diff;
$scope.animateRotation = "-webkit-transform: rotate("+diff+"deg)";
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
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