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Created December 29, 2019 01:52
Document git fork as "Pull-Request Only"
# Replace the repo's default branch with a README explaining this fork is only for its submitted pull requests.
set -e -x -o pipefail
TRUNK="$(git symbolic-ref --short refs/remotes/$REMOTE/HEAD | sed "s:${REMOTE}/::")"
REMOTE_URL="$(git remote get-url $REMOTE)"
GIT_ROOT=$( git rev-parse --show-toplevel )
# Move old trunk out of the way.
git branch -m "$TRUNK" upstream-"$TRUNK"
# Make a new orphan branch with that name.
git checkout --orphan "$TRUNK"
# checkout --orphan left everything staged in the index, remove it
git reset
# Remove most files, except for those that might cause a lot of editor thrashing
# or things the host needs for repo metadata (e.g. LICENSE)
git clean --force -d --exclude=.gitignore --exclude=.editorconfig --exclude=LICENSE
cat > README.rst << EOF
Pull-Request Only Fork
This fork exists only for making pull requests against upstream.
* \`branches here <${GH_USERNAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/branches>\`__
* \`upstream repository <${UPSTREAM_REPO}>\`__
* \`pull requests to upstream <${UPSTREAM_REPO}/pulls/${GH_USERNAME}>\`__
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