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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Sum strings as numbers
function stringAdd(a, b) {
* Adds two numbers, in a way you would do with pen and paper
* Since the numbers are kept as strings, it can handle really big numbers
* Useful when you need to calculate sum of two big integers that are bigger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
a += '' , b += '';
var res = [], carry = 0, lena = a.length, lenb = b.length;
if(lena > lenb) {
b = new Array(lena - lenb + 1).join('0') + b;
} else {
a = new Array(lenb - lena + 1).join('0') + a;
for(var i=Math.max(lena, lenb)-1; i>=0; i--) {
var add = +(a.charAt(i)) + +(b.charAt(i)) + carry;
carry = (add - (add%10)) / 10;
if(carry) res.push(carry);
return res.reverse().join('');
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