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Created November 6, 2018 22:17
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  • Save kev009/2671117c5ec6c13da6f26583b770f4fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kev009/2671117c5ec6c13da6f26583b770f4fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
kev-ws-aurora% qemu-system-powernv -M powernv -m 2G -nographic -vga none -cpu power9_v2.0 -kernel kernel.ppc64 -smp 4
PNV: Creating PEC 0
PNV: Creating PEC 1
PNV: Creating PEC 2
-> pnv_chip_power9_realize
PNV: Initializing PEC 0
pnv_pec_realize: PEC0 creating 1 stacks
pnv_pec_stk_realize realizing stack 0
PNV: Initializing PEC 1
pnv_pec_realize: PEC1 creating 2 stacks
pnv_pec_stk_realize realizing stack 0
pnv_pec_stk_realize realizing stack 1
PNV: Initializing PEC 2
pnv_pec_realize: PEC2 creating 3 stacks
pnv_pec_stk_realize realizing stack 0
pnv_pec_stk_realize realizing stack 1
pnv_pec_stk_realize realizing stack 2
<- pnv_chip_power9_realize
pnv_pec_dt_xscom chip 0 pec 0
pnv_pec_dt_xscom chip 0 pec 1
pnv_pec_dt_xscom chip 0 pec 2
qemu-system-powernv: unknown isa device aspeed.sio@i2e
[ 0.029483951,5] OPAL v6.1-153-g132fac73 starting...
[ 0.030725987,7] initial console log level: memory 7, driver 5
[ 0.030858997,6] CPU: P9 generation processor (max 4 threads/core)
[ 0.030972659,7] CPU: Boot CPU PIR is 0x0000 PVR is 0x004e1200
[ 0.031215428,7] OPAL table: 0x30118930 .. 0x30118f10, branch table: 0x30002000
[ 0.031635670,7] Assigning physical memory map table for nimbus
[ 0.032070031,7] FDT: Parsing fdt @0x1000000
[ 0.048013178,5] CHIP: Detected Qemu simulator
[ 0.048537431,6] CHIP: Initialised chip 0 from xscom@603fc00000000
[ 0.049437240,6] P9 DD2.00 detected
[ 0.049528805,5] CHIP: Chip ID 0000 type: P9N DD2.00
[ 0.049632605,7] XSCOM: Base address: 0x603fc00000000
[ 0.049837704,7] XSTOP: ibm,sw-checkstop-fir prop not found
[ 0.050024698,6] MFSI 0:0: Initialized
[ 0.050104622,6] MFSI 0:2: Initialized
[ 0.050181017,6] MFSI 0:1: Initialized
[ 0.051953779,6] LPC: LPC[000]: Initialized
[ 0.052036983,7] LPC: access via MMIO @0x6030000000000
[ 0.052351539,7] LPC: Default bus on chip 0x0
[ 0.052593116,7] CPU: New max PIR set to 0x3
[ 0.053945479,7] MEM: parsing reserved memory from reserved-names/-ranges properties
[ 0.054172194,7] CPU: decrementer bits 56
[ 0.054467322,6] CPU: CPU from DT PIR=0x0000 Server#=0x0 State=3
[ 0.054736130,6] CPU: 1 secondary threads
[ 0.057513464,7] UART: Using LPC IRQ 4
[ 0.068774829,5] PLAT: Detected Qemu platform
[ 3.264397707,5] CPU: All 1 processors called in...
[ 3.265547500,3] SBE: Master chip ID not found.
[ 3.304702322,3] FFS: Reading the flash has returned all 0xFF.
[ 3.305249586,3] Are you reading erased flash?
[ 3.305718607,3] Is something else using the flash controller?
[ 3.306313978,4] FLASH: No ffs info; using raw device only
[ 3.308031859,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.308565277,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.309031491,5] STB: secure boot not supported
[ 3.309568679,5] STB: trusted boot not supported
[ 3.310377342,4] FLASH: Can't load resource id:3. No system flash found
[ 3.311541388,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.312301990,7] LPC: Routing irq 4, policy: 0 (r=1)
[ 3.312485739,7] LPC: SerIRQ 4 using route 0 targetted at OPAL
[ 3.313964947,3] SLW: HOMER base not set 0
[ 3.314491641,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.315508917,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.316617746,3] OCC: No HOMER detected, assuming no pstates
[ 3.317428896,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.318107031,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.319728877,4] FLASH: Can't load resource id:2. No system flash found
[ 3.320744296,4] FLASH: Can't load resource id:0. No system flash found
[ 3.321555971,4] FLASH: Can't load resource id:1. No system flash found
[ 3.325930609,3] IMC: IMC Catalog load failed
[ 3.328040604,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.328639491,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.329145292,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.329653608,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.348685743,3] XSCOM: write error gcid=0x0 pcb_addr=0xd010900 stat=0x0
[ 3.349236929,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.349401571,3] XSCOM: Write failed, ret = -6
[ 3.350835133,3] PHB#0000[0:0]: XSCOM error addressing register 0x800
[ 3.351492284,3] PHB#0000[0:0]: Failed to read version, PHB appears broken
[ 3.353598819,3] XSCOM: write error gcid=0x0 pcb_addr=0xe010900 stat=0x0
[ 3.354121566,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.354200479,3] XSCOM: Write failed, ret = -6
[ 3.355542852,3] PHB#0001[0:1]: XSCOM error addressing register 0x800
[ 3.356146357,3] PHB#0001[0:1]: Failed to read version, PHB appears broken
[ 3.358206642,3] XSCOM: write error gcid=0x0 pcb_addr=0xe010940 stat=0x0
[ 3.358729180,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.358804898,3] XSCOM: Write failed, ret = -6
[ 3.360138269,3] PHB#0002[0:2]: XSCOM error addressing register 0x800
[ 3.360737040,3] PHB#0002[0:2]: Failed to read version, PHB appears broken
[ 3.362817094,3] XSCOM: write error gcid=0x0 pcb_addr=0xf010900 stat=0x0
[ 3.363340703,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.363416566,3] XSCOM: Write failed, ret = -6
[ 3.364756803,3] PHB#0003[0:3]: XSCOM error addressing register 0x800
[ 3.365362647,3] PHB#0003[0:3]: Failed to read version, PHB appears broken
[ 3.367448494,3] XSCOM: write error gcid=0x0 pcb_addr=0xf010940 stat=0x0
[ 3.367971525,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.368047470,3] XSCOM: Write failed, ret = -6
[ 3.369392423,3] PHB#0004[0:4]: XSCOM error addressing register 0x800
[ 3.370021675,3] PHB#0004[0:4]: Failed to read version, PHB appears broken
[ 3.372182317,3] XSCOM: write error gcid=0x0 pcb_addr=0xf010980 stat=0x0
[ 3.372752549,3] ELOG: Error getting buffer to log error
[ 3.372829763,3] XSCOM: Write failed, ret = -6
[ 3.374255938,3] PHB#0005[0:5]: XSCOM error addressing register 0x800
[ 3.375373831,3] PHB#0005[0:5]: Failed to read version, PHB appears broken
[ 3.378092069,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 3.389078940,5] PCI: Resetting PHBs and training links...
[ 9.495040827,5] PCI: Probing slots...
[ 9.497308481,5] PCI Summary:
[ 10.382831344,5] INIT: Waiting for kernel...
[ 10.383404869,5] INIT: platform wait for kernel load failed
[ 10.384187360,5] INIT: Assuming kernel at 0x20000000
[ 10.385181092,5] INIT: 64-bit kernel entry at 0x20010100, size 0x14524b0
[ 10.386137931,3] OCC: Unassigned OCC Common Area. No sensors found
[ 10.387655027,2] NVRAM: Failed to load
[ 11.017318887,5] INIT: Starting kernel at 0x20010100, fdt at 0x304e0248 16962 bytes
[ 12.295671896,5] OPAL: Switch to big-endian OS
KDB: debugger backends: ddb
KDB: current backend: ddb
Copyright (c) 1992-2018 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT aea7646d79b(HEAD) GENERIC powerpc
gcc version 6.4.0 (FreeBSD Ports Collection for powerpc64)
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
VT: init without driver.
cpu0: IBM POWER9 revision 2.0, 1000.00 MHz
cpu0: Features2 eee00000<ARCH207,HTM,DSCR,ISEL,TAR,VCRYPTO,ARCH300,IEEE128,DARN>
real memory = 2102722560 (2005 MB)
avail memory = 1956757504 (1866 MB)
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
random: entropy device external interface
random: registering fast source PowerISA DARN random number generator
random: fast provider: "PowerISA DARN random number generator"
kbd0 at kbdmux0
ofwbus0: <Open Firmware Device Tree> on nexus0
simplebus0: <Flattened device tree simple bus> mem 0x6030000000000-0x60300ffffffff on ofwbus0
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0000000-0x600c3c0000fff,0x600c300000000-0x600c30fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0100000-0x600c3c0100fff,0x600c320000000-0x600c32fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0200000-0x600c3c0200fff,0x600c340000000-0x600c34fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0300000-0x600c3c0300fff,0x600c360000000-0x600c36fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0400000-0x600c3c0400fff,0x600c380000000-0x600c38fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0500000-0x600c3c0500fff,0x600c3a0000000-0x600c3afffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
xicp0: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x6030203180000-0x603020318ffff,0x6030203190000-0x603020319ffff,0x60302031a0000-0x60302031affff,0x60302031b0000-0x60302031bffff on ofwbus0
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0000000-0x600c3c0000fff,0x600c300000000-0x600c30fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0100000-0x600c3c0100fff,0x600c320000000-0x600c32fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0200000-0x600c3c0200fff,0x600c340000000-0x600c34fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0300000-0x600c3c0300fff,0x600c360000000-0x600c36fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0400000-0x600c3c0400fff,0x600c380000000-0x600c38fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0500000-0x600c3c0500fff,0x600c3a0000000-0x600c3afffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
xics0: <External Interrupt Source Controller> on ofwbus0
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0000000-0x600c3c0000fff,0x600c300000000-0x600c30fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0100000-0x600c3c0100fff,0x600c320000000-0x600c32fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0200000-0x600c3c0200fff,0x600c340000000-0x600c34fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0300000-0x600c3c0300fff,0x600c360000000-0x600c36fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0400000-0x600c3c0400fff,0x600c380000000-0x600c38fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0500000-0x600c3c0500fff,0x600c3a0000000-0x600c3afffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
cpulist0: <Open Firmware CPU Group> on ofwbus0
cpu0: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
opal0: <OPAL Abstraction Firmware> irq 1048560,1048561,1048562,1048563,1048564,1048565,1048566,1048567,1048568,1048569,1048570,1048571,1048572,1048573 on ofwbus0
opal0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 0.002000s
opalcons0: <OPAL Consoles> on opal0
uart0: <OPAL Serial Port> on opalcons0
uart0: console
opalsens0: <OPAL Sensors> on opal0
opal_sensor0: <OPAL sensor> on opalsens0
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0000000-0x600c3c0000fff,0x600c300000000-0x600c30fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0100000-0x600c3c0100fff,0x600c320000000-0x600c32fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0200000-0x600c3c0200fff,0x600c340000000-0x600c34fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0300000-0x600c3c0300fff,0x600c360000000-0x600c36fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0400000-0x600c3c0400fff,0x600c380000000-0x600c38fffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x600c3c0500000-0x600c3c0500fff,0x600c3a0000000-0x600c3afffffff disabled on ofwbus0
pcib0: PE mapping failed: -6
device_attach: pcib0 attach returned 6
powernv_xscom0: <xscom> mem 0x603fc00000000-0x60403ffffffff on ofwbus0
Timecounter "timebase" frequency 512000000 Hz quality 0
Event timer "decrementer" frequency 512000000 Hz quality 1000
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
usb_needs_explore_all: no devclass
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
Loader variables:
Manual root filesystem specification:
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
<fstype>:<device> [options]
Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
and with the specified (optional) option list.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
eg. ufs:/dev/da0s1a
cd9660:/dev/cd0 ro
(which is equivalent to: mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0 /)
? List valid disk boot devices
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
random_sources_feed: rs_read for hardware device 'PowerISA DARN random number generator' returned no entropy.
. Yield 1 second (for background tasks)
<empty line> Abort manual input
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