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Last active January 24, 2024 02:11
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Native Node.js HTTP Client with retries, proxy support, timeouts
import { ProxyAgent } from 'undici';
const HTTP_STATUS_TO_RETRY = [408, 429, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504];
const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20_000;
const retryDenyList = new Set([
// SSL errors from
export type HttpProxy =
| string
| {
host: string;
port: number;
auth: {
username: string;
password: string;
type HttpClientConfig = {
origin: string;
timeout?: number;
auth?: {
username?: string;
password?: string;
headers?: Record<string, any>;
params?: Record<string, string | number | boolean> | URLSearchParams;
proxy?: HttpProxy | false;
type UserRequestOptions = {
headers?: Record<string, string>;
params?: Record<string, string | number | boolean> | URLSearchParams;
timeout?: number;
export class HttpClientException extends Error {
response: globalThis.Response | null;
request: globalThis.RequestInit | null;
code: string | null;
constructor(response: globalThis.Response | null, request: globalThis.RequestInit | null, cause?: any) {
const status = response?.status;
super(cause?.message || `HTTP Exception: Status ${status}`);
this.cause = cause;
this.response = response;
this.request = request;
this.code = cause?.code || null;
export class HttpClient {
constructor(private config?: HttpClientConfig) {}
async post(url: string, body?: any, options?: UserRequestOptions) {
return this.request('POST', url, body, options);
async put(url: string, body: any, options?: UserRequestOptions) {
return this.request('PUT', url, body, options);
async get(url: string, options?: UserRequestOptions) {
return this.request('GET', url, undefined, options);
async delete(url: string, options?: UserRequestOptions) {
return this.request('DELETE', url, undefined, options);
async request(
method: string,
url: string,
body: any,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
options?: UserRequestOptions,
): Promise<globalThis.Response> {
let attempts = 0;
const headers = this.mergeHeaders(options, body);
let dispatcher;
if (this.config?.proxy) {
const { uri, username, password } = this.getProxy();
dispatcher = new ProxyAgent({
token: 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(username + ':' + password).toString('base64'),
const request: RequestInit = {
body: body ? JSON.stringify(body) : body,
// @ts-ignore this actually exists
const makeRequest = (): Promise<globalThis.Response> => {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams();
const configParams = this.config?.params;
if (configParams) {
if (configParams instanceof URLSearchParams) {
Array.from(configParams.entries()).forEach(([key, value]) => urlParams.append(key, value));
} else {
Object.keys(configParams).forEach((key) => {
urlParams.set(key, configParams[key].toString());
const requestParams = options?.params;
if (requestParams) {
if (requestParams instanceof URLSearchParams) {
Array.from(requestParams.entries()).forEach(([key, value]) => urlParams.append(key, value));
} else {
Object.keys(requestParams).forEach((key) => {
urlParams.set(key, requestParams[key].toString());
const urlParamsToString = Array.from(urlParams.values()).length ? '?' + urlParams.toString() : '';
const fullUrl = new URL(url + urlParamsToString, this.config?.origin);
return fetch(fullUrl.toString(), request);
let response: globalThis.Response | null = null;
let error: HttpClientException | null = null;
while (attempts < this.maxRetries() + 1) {
const sentAt = new Date();
try {
response = await withTimeout(options?.timeout || this.config?.timeout || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, makeRequest());
if (!response || !response.ok) {
throw new HttpClientException(response, request);
} catch (err: any) {
error = err instanceof HttpClientException ? err : new HttpClientException(response, request, err);
this.logError(err, url, request, attempts, sentAt);
if (this.isRetryableError(error)) {
await this.sleep(this.retryDelay(error));
response = null;
} else {
throw error;
if (response) {
return response;
} else {
throw error;
private getProxy(): { uri: string; username: string; password: string } {
let uri, username, password;
const proxy = this.config!.proxy as HttpProxy;
if (typeof proxy === 'string') {
const split = proxy.split('@');
uri = `http://${split[1]}`;
const auth = split[0].replace('http://', '').split(':');
username = auth[0];
password = auth[1];
} else {
uri = `http://${}:${proxy.port}`;
username = proxy.auth.username;
password = proxy.auth.password;
return { uri, username, password };
mergeHeaders(options?: UserRequestOptions, body?: any): Record<string, string> {
const headers = this.config?.headers || {};
if (this.config?.auth) {
headers['Authorization'] =
'Basic ' + Buffer.from(this.config.auth.username + ':' + this.config.auth.password).toString('base64');
if (body) {
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (options?.headers) {
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(options.headers)) {
headers[key] = val;
return headers;
private isRetryableError(err: HttpClientException) {
if (err.response?.status === 500) return false;
if (
!err.response &&
Boolean(err.code) && // Prevents retrying cancelled requests
err.code !== 'ECONNABORTED'
) {
return true;
return this.isIdempotentRequestError(err) || (err?.code && !retryDenyList.has(err.code));
private isIdempotentRequestError(err: HttpClientException): boolean {
const response = err.response;
const request = err.request;
if (!response || !request) return false;
return (
err.code !== 'ECONNABORTED' &&
HTTP_STATUS_TO_RETRY.includes(response.status) &&
private retryDelay(err: HttpClientException) {
if (err.response?.status === 429) {
return 1000;
} else {
return 100;
private async sleep(ms: number) {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ms));
private logError(error: HttpClientException, url: string, request: RequestInit, retries: number, sentAt: Date) {
let configParameters = {};
const { origin } = this.config || {};
const { method } = request;
const responseTime = - +sentAt;
configParameters = { baseURL: origin, url, method, retries, responseTime };
const errorToLog = {
message: `Got HTTP Error - ${error.message}`,
status: error.response?.status || -1,
};, errorToLog.message);
private maxRetries() {
return 1;
* Creates a new http client instance. Use this if you want to pass a default config that will
* be used on all requests made by the created instance. A good example would be a
* common base Url or Authorization headers that are needed for every request.
export function createHttpClient(config?: HttpClientConfig): HttpClient {
return new HttpClient(config);
const withTimeout = (millis: number, promise: Promise<any>): Promise<any> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(`Timed out after ${millis} ms.`));
}, millis);
.then((value) => {
.catch((reason) => {
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