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Created May 7, 2018 23:36
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GraphDef to DOT
def as_dot(g):
names = dict()
dot = "digraph {\n"
for op_id in sorted(g._nodes_by_id):
op = g._nodes_by_id[op_id]
parts ="/")
n = names
for p in parts:
if p not in n:
n[p] = dict()
n = n[p]
n[op_id] = op_id
dot += str(op_id) + " [label=\"\\N : " + op.type + "\"];\n"
for input_op in op.inputs:
dot += str(input_op.op._id_value) + " -> " + str(op._id_value)
dot += " [label=\"" + str(input_op.get_shape()) + "\"]"
dot += ";\n"
for input_op in op.control_inputs:
dot += str(input_op._id_value) + " -> " + str(op._id_value) + " [style=\"dashed\"];\n"
def print_dict(d, name):
# if len(d) == 1: return str(d[d.keys()[0]]) + ";\n"
dot = "subgraph cluster_" + name + " {\n"
dot += "label=\"" + name + "\";\n"
for k, v in d.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, int): dot += str(v) + ";\n"
if isinstance(v, dict): dot += print_dict(v, k)
dot += "}\n"
return dot
dot += print_dict(names, "top")
dot += "}"
return dot
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