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Last active October 28, 2019 01:35
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'use strict'
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
function set_taxon_select (selector) {
if ($(selector).length > 0) {
var url = Spree.url(Spree.routes.taxons_api, {
ids: $(selector).val().join(','),
without_children: true,
token: Spree.api_key
return $.getJSON(url, null, function (data) {
var options = $.map(data.taxons, function (taxon) {
return new Option(, taxon.pretty_name, true, true);
.empty() // Clear out any existing selections
.append('<option></option>') // Add the placeholder option
.append(options); // Add the selected options
placeholder: Spree.translations.taxon_placeholder,
ajax: {
url: Spree.routes.taxons_api,
datatype: 'json',
data: function (term, page) {
return {
per_page: 50,
page: page,
without_children: true,
q: {
name_cont: term
token: Spree.api_key
processResults: function (data, params) {
var taxons = $.map(data.taxons, function (taxon) {
taxon.text = taxon.text || taxon.pretty_name;
return taxon;
return {
results: taxons,
pagination: {
more: ( < data.pages)
$(document).ready(function () {
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