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Bittrex private and public API for Google Apps Script (Google Sheet)
// work in progress
// you need a bittrex API key and secret with read account option enabled
// I assume that all the keys are in the "keys" spreadsheet. The key is in cell B5 and the secret in cell C5
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("keys");
var key = sheet.getRange("B5").getValue()
var secret = sheet.getRange("C5").getValue();
var baseUrl = '';
var nonce = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
* Used to retrieve all balances from your account.
* @return the balance of any currency that is not 0.
function bittrexGetbalances() {
var finals = [];
var results = bittrexPrivateRequest("account/getbalances");
results.forEach(function(result,index) {
finals.push({'currency': result.Currency, 'balance': result.Balance})
return json2array_(finals);
* Used to retrieve the balance from your account for a specific currency.
* @param {string} a string literal for the currency (ex: LTC).
* @return the currency balance.
* @customfunction
function bittrexGetbalance(currency) {
var payload = { "currency" : currency };
var results = bittrexPrivateRequest("account/getbalance",payload);
return results.Balance;
function bittrexPublicRequest(command,payload){
var uri = uriCreator_(command,payload);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(uri);
var dataAll = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (dataAll.success = true) {
return dataAll.result
} else {
return dataAll.message
function bittrexPrivateRequest(command,payload){
var uri = uriCreator_(command,payload,true)
var signature = Utilities.computeHmacSignature(Utilities.MacAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_512, uri, secret);
// Signature copied from comments:
var apisign = {
return ('0' + (byte & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2);
var headers = {
"apisign": apisign
var params = {
"method": "get",
"headers": headers,
"payload": payload
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(uri, params);
var dataAll = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (dataAll.success = true) {
return dataAll.result
} else {
return dataAll.message
function uriCreator_(command,payload,private){
if (payload) {
var payloadEncoded = Object.keys(payload).map(function(param) {
return encodeURIComponent(param) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(payload[param]);
if (private) {
uri = baseUrl.concat(command + "?apikey=" + key + "&nonce=" + nonce + "&" + payloadEncoded)
} else {
uri = baseUrl.concat("public/" + command + "?" + payloadEncoded)
return uri
function json2array_(data){
var results = [];
var keys = [];
var values = [];
for (var i in data){
for (var key in data[i]){
if (i == 0) keys.push(key);
if (i == 0){
keys = [];
values = [];
return results;
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