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Created July 3, 2015 10:27
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ImageJ Jython: draft cell segmentation protocol
#!/usr/bin/env jython
# \begin{enumerate}
# \item Process $\rightarrow$ Gaussian Blur
# \item Process $\rightarrow$ Enhance Contrast (normalize \& equalize histogram)
# \item Image $\rightarrow$ Type $\rightarrow$ HSB stack
# \item Image $\rightarrow$ Stacks $\rightarrow$ Stack to images
# \item keep only the Hue image
# \item Process $\rightarrow$ Find maxima... (noise tolerance 60)
# \end{enumerate}
from ij import IJ, measure
from ij.plugin.filter import ParticleAnalyzer
from ij.plugin.frame import RoiManager
from ij.process import ImageProcessor
from java.lang import Double
import sys
def cell_counter(stack_file):
img_stack = IJ.openImage( stack_file ) img_stack, "Smooth", "stack" ) img_stack, "Sharpen", "stack" )
IJ.setAutoThreshold(img_stack, "Default") img_stack, "Convert to Mask", "calculate black")
# Create a table to store the results
#table = measure.ResultsTable()
# Create a hidden ROI manager, to store a ROI for each blob or cell
#roim = RoiManager(True)
# Create a ParticleAnalyzer, with arguments:
# 1. options (could be SHOW_ROI_MASKS, SHOW_OUTLINES, SHOW_MASKS, SHOW_NONE, ADD_TO_MANAGER, and others; combined with bitwise-or)
# 2. measurement options (see [ Measurements])
# 3. a ResultsTable to store the measurements
# 4. The minimum size of a particle to consider for measurement
# 5. The maximum size (idem)
# 6. The minimum circularity of a particle
# 7. The maximum circularity
stack = img_stack.getStack()
for i in range( 1,img_stack.getStackSize()+1):
table = measure.ResultsTable()
pa = ParticleAnalyzer( ParticleAnalyzer.SHOW_OVERLAY_OUTLINES | ParticleAnalyzer.INCLUDE_HOLES,
measure.Measurements.AREA | measure.Measurements.AREA_FRACTION | measure.Measurements.MEAN,
1.0 )
pa.analyze(img_stack, stack.getProcessor(i))
#print table.getRowAsString(-1)
# k=0
# while (table.getColumnHeading(k)!= None):
# if table.columnExists(k):
# print k, table.getColumnHeading(k), table.getColumn(k)
# k += 1
if table.columnExists(0):
print i, len(table.getColumn(0))
# if pa.analyze(img_stack):
# print "All ok"
# else:
# print "There was a problem analyzing", img_stack
# img_stack, "Analyze Particles...", "size=200-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Outlines include summarize record stack")
#"Measurements...", "toto" + ".pts")
#return table
table = cell_counter(sys.argv[1])
# print table.getColumnHeadings()
# for row in table.getColumn(0):
# print row
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