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Created January 22, 2012 01:50
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Save kevin-montrose/1655043 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stack Exchange JS Library as of version 453
window.SE =
(function (navigator,
undefined) {
"use strict";
var seUrl, clientId, loginUrl, proxyUrl, fetchUserUrl, requestKey, buildNumber = '@@~~BuildNumber~~@@';
function rand() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); }
function oldIE() {
if (navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
var x = /MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
if (x) {
return x[1] <= 8.0;
return false;
// Options are:
// - clientId: for app registration
// - channelUrl: a blank page for cross-domain communication in the absense of postMessage
// - complete: a function() that is called after initialization is complete
// - key: request key
function init(options) {
var cid = options.clientId,
proxy = options.channelUrl,
complete = options.complete,
proto = window.location.protocol.substring(0, window.location.protocol.length - 1),
domain = (window.location.protocol + '//' +;
requestKey = options.key;
if (!cid) { throw "`clientId` must be passed in options to init"; }
if (!proxy) { throw "`channelUrl` must be passed in options to init"; }
if (!complete) { throw "a `complete` function must be passed in options to init"; }
if (!requestKey) { throw "`key` must be passed in options to init"; }
if ( {
seUrl = '';
fetchUserUrl = '';
} else {
seUrl = '';
fetchUserUrl = '';
clientId = cid;
proxyUrl = proxy;
if (proxyUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf(domain) !== 0) {
throw "`channelUrl` must be under the current domain (" + domain + "), found (" + proxyUrl + ")";
loginUrl = seUrl + '/oauth/dialog?redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent((seUrl + '/oauth/login_success?assisted=' + cid + '&protocol=' + proto + '&proxy=' + encodeURIComponent(proxyUrl)));
setTimeout(function () { complete({ version: buildNumber }); }, 1);
function fetchUsers(token, expires, success, error) {
var script,
callbackName = 'sec' + rand(),
src = fetchUserUrl,
callbackFunction =
function (data) {
try {
delete window[callbackName];
} catch (e) {
window[callbackName] = undefined;
if (data.error_id) {
error({ errorName: data.error_name, errorMessage: data.error_message });
success({ accessToken: token, expirationDate: expires, networkUsers: data.items });
while (window[callbackName] || document.getElementById(callbackName)) {
callbackName = 'sec' + rand();
window[callbackName] = callbackFunction;
src += '?access_token=' + encodeURIComponent(token);
src += '&pagesize=100';
src += '&key=' + encodeURIComponent(requestKey);
src += '&callback=' + encodeURIComponent(callbackName);
src += '&filter=!6RfQBFKB58ckl';
script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = src; = callbackName;
// Options contains
// success: function(data)
// - data will have
// * accessToken
// * expirationDate
// * networkUsers
// error: function(data)
// - data will have
// * errorName
// * errorMessage
// scope: an array of scopes to request
// networkUsers: bool, if true returns associated users in success
function authenticate(options) {
if (!options) { throw "must pass an options object to authenticate"; }
var poll,
success = options.success,
scopeOpt = options.scope,
scope = '',
state = rand(),
url = loginUrl + '&client_id=' + clientId + '&state=' + state,
error = options.error || function () { },
mapSuccess =
function (token, expiresRaw) {
var expires;
if (expiresRaw) {
expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + expiresRaw * 1000);
if (options.networkUsers) {
fetchUsers(token, expires, success, error);
} else {
success({ accessToken: token, expirationDate: expires });
if (!success) { throw "must pass a `success` function in options to authenticate"; }
if (scopeOpt && !== '[object Array]') { throw "`scope` must be an Array in options to authenticate"; }
if (scopeOpt) { scope = scopeOpt.join(' '); }
if (scope.length > 0) { url += '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(scope); }
handler =
function (e) {
if (e.origin !== seUrl || e.source !== opened) { return; }
var i,
parts ='&'),
map = {};
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
pieces = parts[i].split('=');
map[pieces[0]] = pieces[1];
if (+map.state !== state) {
if (window.detachEvent) {
window.detachEvent("onmessage", handler);
} else {
window.removeEventListener("message", handler, false);
if (map.access_token) {
mapSuccess(map.access_token, map.expires);
error({ errorName: map.error, errorMessage: map.error_description });
if (window.postMessage && !oldIE()) {
if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent("onmessage", handler);
} else {
window.addEventListener("message", handler, false);
} else {
poll =
function () {
if (!opened) { return; }
if (opened.closed) {
var msgFrame = opened.frames['se-api-frame'];
if (msgFrame) {
handler({ origin: seUrl, source: opened, data: msgFrame.location.hash });
pollHandle = setInterval(poll, 50);
opened =, "_blank", "width=660, height=480");
return {
authenticate: authenticate,
init: init
} (navigator, document, window, window.encodeURIComponent, Math));
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