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Created November 28, 2018 00:18
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using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace LearnMeAThing.Utilities
/// <summary>
/// Handles running pre-registered jobs across some number of threads.
/// The idea is:
/// - make a job runner with a certain number of threads and a maximum
/// number of jobs
/// - register a bunch of jobs, getting Job(T)'s back
/// - (time passes)
/// - provide some number of Job(T)'s back, those are scheduled
/// and a JobsCompletionToken is returned
/// - caller waits on JobsCompletitonToken, once it's done
/// then all the tasks finished up
/// </summary>
sealed class JobRunner : IDisposable
private readonly GameState State;
private readonly Thread[] Threads;
private volatile bool KeepAlive;
/// <summary>
/// Sync lock for parking and waking
/// threads.
/// </summary>
private readonly object Lock;
/// <summary>
/// A number that is incremented everytime a PendingJob is enqueued.
/// </summary>
private int Generation;
/// <summary>
/// Jobs that a thread hasn't picked up to work on yet,
/// but are associated with something in
/// PendingCompletionToken.
/// </summary>
private readonly IJob[] PendingJobs;
/// <summary>
/// Tokens that aren't assigned to any jobs
/// </summary>
private readonly JobsCompletionToken[] AvailableCompletionTokens;
/// <summary>
/// Tokens that are assigned to a job.
/// </summary>
private readonly JobsCompletionToken[] PendingCompletionTokens;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new JobRunner associated with the given GameState.
/// Create `numThreads` new threads for running jobs, it's ill
/// advised to create more threads than you have logical cores
/// so be careful.
/// `maxSimultaneousJobs` is used to pre-allocate completion tokens,
/// exceeding it can result in blocking during StartJobs(...) calls.
/// </summary>
public JobRunner(GameState state, int numThreads, int maxSimultaneousJobs)
Lock = new object();
State = state;
Threads = new Thread[numThreads];
PendingJobs = new IJob[maxSimultaneousJobs];
AvailableCompletionTokens = new JobsCompletionToken[maxSimultaneousJobs];
PendingCompletionTokens = new JobsCompletionToken[maxSimultaneousJobs];
/// <summary>
/// Actually spin up all the associated threads and whatnot.
/// After this call, no operation should allocate.
/// </summary>
public void Initialize()
KeepAlive = true;
for (var i = 0; i < Threads.Length; i++)
var t = new Thread(WorkerThreadLoop);
t.IsBackground = true;
t.Name = $"{nameof(JobRunner)} Thread Index={i:N0}";
Threads[i] = t;
for (var i = 0; i < AvailableCompletionTokens.Length; i++)
var token = new JobsCompletionToken(this, 8); // 8 is the maximum number of parameters to StartJobs(...)
AvailableCompletionTokens[i] = token;
/// <summary>
/// Create a job from some constant state and a delegate.
/// The current game state will be available at run time.
/// Jobs should be re-used, not allocated on demand.
/// </summary>
public Job<T> CreateJob<T>(JobDelegate<T> runner, T state)
var ret = new Job<T>(runner, state);
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Start up to 8 jobs in parallel.
/// This method will return "soon" with a completion token
/// to wait on.
/// No work will begin until the WaitForCompletion() is called
/// on the returned token.
/// At least the first job must be non-null, all other jobs are
/// optional.
/// Blocking can occur if completion tokens aren't immediately
/// available, which shouldn't happen(?).
/// </summary>
public JobsCompletionToken StartJobs(IJob job1, IJob job2 = null, IJob job3 = null, IJob job4 = null, IJob job5 = null, IJob job6 = null, IJob job7 = null, IJob job8 = null)
// heeeeey, that should at least be non-null
if (job1 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(job1));
var token = GetCompletionToken();
// prepare jobs
// attach jobs to the token
// record the completion token
// you can now wait on the token
return token;
/// <summary>
/// Place the given JobsCompletionToken back into our reusable buffer.
/// Also resets the token, so any state it had is lst
/// </summary>
internal void ReturnCompletionToken(JobsCompletionToken token)
// this _cannot_ fail
for (var i = 0; i < AvailableCompletionTokens.Length; i++)
var cur = AvailableCompletionTokens[i];
if (cur != null) continue;
var res = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref AvailableCompletionTokens[i], token, null);
if (res == null)
goto tryAgain;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a JobsCompletionToken that is free to assign jobs to.
/// </summary>
private JobsCompletionToken GetCompletionToken()
// this cannot fail
for (var i = 0; i < AvailableCompletionTokens.Length; i++)
var ret = AvailableCompletionTokens[i];
if (ret == null) continue;
var res = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref AvailableCompletionTokens[i], null, ret);
if (ReferenceEquals(ret, res)) return ret;
goto tryAgain;
/// <summary>
/// Checks for any pending jobs, and removes and returns one if
/// there are any.
/// If there are no jobs, returns null.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private IJob GetJob()
var curGen = Generation;
for (var i = 0; i < PendingJobs.Length; i++)
var ret = PendingJobs[i];
if (ret == null) continue;
var res = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref PendingJobs[i], null, ret);
if (ReferenceEquals(ret, res))
return ret;
var finalGen = Generation;
if(curGen != finalGen)
// the list was modified while we were running
goto tryAgain;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Add this token to the queue of "we're working on it" tokens.
/// It will be removed when the last job completes.
/// </summary>
private void EnqueuePendingCompletionToken(JobsCompletionToken token)
if (token == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token));
// this _cannot_ fail
for (var i = 0; i < PendingCompletionTokens.Length; i++)
var cur = PendingCompletionTokens[i];
if (cur != null) continue;
var res = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref PendingCompletionTokens[i], token, null);
if (res == null)
goto tryAgain;
/// <summary>
/// Add a job to a queue indicating that it needs to be run.
/// Jobs should be in a state such that immediately beginning
/// executing is correct.
/// </summary>
internal void EnqueueJob(IJob job)
// it's easier in some places to just try and add a
// maybe-null job, just roll with it
if (job == null) return;
// this _cannot_ fail
for (var i = 0; i < PendingJobs.Length; i++)
var cur = PendingJobs[i];
if (cur != null) continue;
// kick the generation up, so anybody who's live at this point knows to rescan
Interlocked.Increment(ref Generation);
var res = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref PendingJobs[i], job, null);
if (res == null)
goto tryAgain;
/// <summary>
/// Spin loop for worker threads.
/// Only returns if KeepAlive == false,
/// parks itself if there's nothing to do.
/// </summary>
private void WorkerThreadLoop()
var job = GetJob();
if(job != null)
/// <summary>
/// Runs through all pending completion tokens,
/// and if they're complete tries to remove
/// and signal them.
/// </summary>
private void CheckPendingCompletionTokens()
for(var i = 0; i < PendingCompletionTokens.Length; i++)
var tok = PendingCompletionTokens[i];
if (tok == null) continue;
if (tok.IsComplete)
var res = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref PendingCompletionTokens[i], null, tok);
if(ReferenceEquals(res, tok))
/// <summary>
/// Cause all worker threads to wake up, and go try
/// and grab a job.
/// </summary>
internal void WakeUpWorkerThreads()
lock (Lock)
/// <summary>
/// Parks the current thread until WakeUpWorkerThreads()
/// is called.
/// Does nothing if KeepAlive == false
/// </summary>
private void ParkWorkerThread()
if (!KeepAlive) return;
lock (Lock)
public void Dispose()
KeepAlive = false;
for (var i = 0; i < Threads.Length; i++)
var t = Threads[i];
if (t.IsAlive)
goto tryAgain;
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