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Created June 12, 2023 06:51
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# Default values for ray-cluster.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# The KubeRay community welcomes PRs to expose additional configuration
# in this Helm chart.
repository: rayproject/ray
tag: 2.0.0
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
nameOverride: "kuberay"
fullnameOverride: ""
imagePullSecrets: []
# - name: an-existing-secret
# If enableInTreeAutoscaling is true, the autoscaler sidecar will be added to the Ray head pod.
# Ray autoscaler integration is supported only for Ray versions >= 1.11.0
# Ray autoscaler integration is Beta with KubeRay >= 0.3.0 and Ray >= 2.0.0.
enableInTreeAutoscaling: true
# autoscalerOptions is an OPTIONAL field specifying configuration overrides for the Ray autoscaler.
# The example configuration shown below below represents the DEFAULT values.
upscalingMode: Default
idleTimeoutSeconds: 60
securityContext: {}
env: []
envFrom: []
# resources specifies optional resource request and limit overrides for the autoscaler container.
# For large Ray clusters, we recommend monitoring container resource usage to determine if overriding the defaults is required.
cpu: "500m"
memory: "512Mi"
cpu: "500m"
memory: "512Mi"
labels: {}
dashboard-host: ''
block: 'true'
# containerEnv specifies environment variables for the Ray container,
# Follows standard K8s container env schema.
containerEnv: []
# - name: EXAMPLE_ENV
# value: "1"
envFrom: []
# - secretRef:
# name: my-env-secret
# ports optionally allows specifying ports for the Ray container.
# ports: []
# resource requests and limits for the Ray head container.
# Modify as needed for your application.
# Note that the resources in this example are much too small for production;
# we don't recommend allocating less than 8G memory for a Ray pod in production.
# Ray pods should be sized to take up entire K8s nodes when possible.
# Always set CPU and memory limits for Ray pods.
# It is usually best to set requests equal to limits.
# See
# for further guidance.
cpu: "1"
# To avoid out-of-memory issues, never allocate less than 2G memory for the Ray head.
memory: "2G"
cpu: "1"
memory: "2G"
annotations: {}
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Ray container security context.
securityContext: {}
- name: log-volume
emptyDir: {}
# Ray writes logs to /tmp/ray/session_latests/logs
- mountPath: /tmp/ray
name: log-volume
# sidecarContainers specifies additional containers to attach to the Ray pod.
# Follows standard K8s container spec.
sidecarContainers: []
# See docs/guidance/ for more details about how to specify
# container command for head Pod.
command: []
args: []
# If you want to disable the default workergroup
# uncomment the line below
# disabled: true
groupName: workergroup
replicas: 0
labels: {}
block: 'true'
initContainerImage: 'busybox:1.28' # Enable users to specify the image for init container. Users can pull the busybox image from their private repositories.
# Security context for the init container.
initContainerSecurityContext: {}
# containerEnv specifies environment variables for the Ray container,
# Follows standard K8s container env schema.
containerEnv: []
# - name: EXAMPLE_ENV
# value: "1"
envFrom: []
# - secretRef:
# name: my-env-secret
# ports optionally allows specifying ports for the Ray container.
# ports: []
# resource requests and limits for the Ray head container.
# Modify as needed for your application.
# Note that the resources in this example are much too small for production;
# we don't recommend allocating less than 8G memory for a Ray pod in production.
# Ray pods should be sized to take up entire K8s nodes when possible.
# Always set CPU and memory limits for Ray pods.
# It is usually best to set requests equal to limits.
# See
# for further guidance.
cpu: "1"
memory: "1G"
cpu: "1"
memory: "1G"
annotations: {}
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Ray container security context.
securityContext: {}
- name: log-volume
emptyDir: {}
# Ray writes logs to /tmp/ray/session_latests/logs
- mountPath: /tmp/ray
name: log-volume
# sidecarContainers specifies additional containers to attach to the Ray pod.
# Follows standard K8s container spec.
sidecarContainers: []
# See docs/guidance/ for more details about how to specify
# container command for worker Pod.
command: []
args: []
# The map's key is used as the groupName.
# For example, key:small-group in the map below
# will be used as the groupName
# Disabled by default
disabled: true
replicas: 0
minReplicas: 0
maxReplicas: 3
labels: {}
block: 'true'
initContainerImage: 'busybox:1.28' # Enable users to specify the image for init container. Users can pull the busybox image from their private repositories.
# Security context for the init container.
initContainerSecurityContext: {}
# containerEnv specifies environment variables for the Ray container,
# Follows standard K8s container env schema.
containerEnv: []
# - name: EXAMPLE_ENV
# value: "1"
envFrom: []
# - secretRef:
# name: my-env-secret
# ports optionally allows specifying ports for the Ray container.
# ports: []
# resource requests and limits for the Ray head container.
# Modify as needed for your application.
# Note that the resources in this example are much too small for production;
# we don't recommend allocating less than 8G memory for a Ray pod in production.
# Ray pods should be sized to take up entire K8s nodes when possible.
# Always set CPU and memory limits for Ray pods.
# It is usually best to set requests equal to limits.
# See
# for further guidance.
cpu: 1
memory: "1G"
cpu: 1
memory: "1G"
annotations: {}
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Ray container security context.
securityContext: {}
- name: log-volume
emptyDir: {}
# Ray writes logs to /tmp/ray/session_latests/logs
- mountPath: /tmp/ray
name: log-volume
sidecarContainers: []
# See docs/guidance/ for more details about how to specify
# container command for worker Pod.
command: []
args: []
# Configuration for Head's Kubernetes Service
# This is optional, and the default is ClusterIP.
type: ClusterIP
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