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Created August 26, 2021 17:01
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Get the last recorded login timestamp for users across multiple domain controllers
#Requires -Module ActiveDirectory
using namespace Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management;
function Get-ADUserLastLogon
Get the last recorded login for one or more users across one or more domain controllers
PS C:\> $LoginRecords = Get-ADUser -Filter '*' | Get-ADUserLastLogon;
PS C:\> $LoginRecords;
Get a list of users, and then return the last login recorded
across all domain controllers for those users
PS C:\> $LoginRecords = Get-ADUser -Filter '*' |
>> Get-ADUserLastLogon -DomainControllers (Get-ADDomainController -Filter { Name -like 'DC1' });
PS C:\> $LoginRecords;
Get a list of users, and then return the last login recorded
across a filtered list of domain controllers for those users
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[ADUser] $User,
[ADDomainController[]] $DomainControllers = (Get-ADDomainController -Filter { Name -like '*' })
$LastLogin = [DateTime]::Parse('12/31/1600');
foreach ($DomainController in $DomainControllers)
$UserOnDomainController = Get-ADUser $User.SamAccountName |
Get-ADObject -Server $DomainController.HostName -Properties 'lastLogon'
$LastLoginOnDomainController = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($UserOnDomainController.LastLogon);
if ($LastLoginOnDomainController -gt $LastLogin)
$LastLogin = $LastLoginOnDomainController;
if ($LastLogin -le [DateTime]::Parse('12/31/1601'))
$LastLogin = $null;
return @{
User = $User;
LastLogin = $LastLogin;
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