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Executing tasks: [:Tisseo:assembleDev] in project /Users/kevinabrioux/Documents/Tisseo/android
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
> Configure project :Tisseo
AGPBI: {"kind":"warning","text":"The option setting 'android.defaults.buildfeatures.buildconfig=true' is deprecated.\nThe current default is 'false'.\nIt will be removed in version 9.0 of the Android Gradle plugin.\nYou can resolve this warning in Android Studio via `Refactor` > `Migrate BuildConfig to Gradle Build Files`","sources":[{}]}
AGPBI: {"kind":"warning","text":"The option setting 'android.jetifier.ignorelist=moshi-1.13.0' is experimental.","sources":[{}]}
Tisseo: 'annotationProcessor' dependencies won't be recognized as kapt annotation processors. Please change the configuration name to 'kapt' for these artifacts: ''.
> Task :Tisseo:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
kevinabrioux / generate_debug_lane.rb
Last active January 6, 2021 09:51
Distribute Debug version lane
lane :distribute do
key_id: "KEY_ID",
issuer_id: "1234-1234-1234-1234-1234",
key_content: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\P8_CONTENT_HERE\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
duration: 1200,
in_house: false
get_certificates(development: true)
android {
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file("path_to_keystore/release.keystore")
storePassword "store_password"
keyAlias "aalias"
keyPassword "key_password"
kevinabrioux / release_lane.rb
Created November 18, 2020 12:54
Lane used to generate Released APK
desc "Distribute release"
lane :release do
task: "assemble",
build_type: "Release"
app: "1:1234:android:1234",
firebase_cli_token: "Firebase_Token",
release_notes: "Lots of amazing new features to test out!"
kevinabrioux / distribute_lane.rb
Last active November 18, 2020 07:11
Distribute Debug APK Lane
desc "Generate APK"
lane :distribute do
task: "assemble",
build_type: "Debug"
app: "1:1234:android:1234",
firebase_cli_token: "firebase_token",
release_notes: "Lots of amazing new features to test out!"
kevinabrioux / .gitlab-ci.yml
Last active November 23, 2020 09:13
iOS .gitlab-ci.yml
# Install fastlane
- sudo gem install fastlane
# Install Fastlane
- gem install bundler --user-install
- bundle install
# Install pods
- fastlane pod_install
#Install SwiftLint
- brew install swiftlint
desc "Pod Install"
lane :pod_install do
clean_install: true,
podfile: "./Podfile"
desc "Build"
lane :build do
workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace",
configuration: "Debug",
scheme: "App",
silent: true,
clean: true,
output_name: "my-app.ipa", # specify the name of the .ipa file to generate (including file extension)
skip_archive: true,
desc "Lint"
lane :lint do
mode: :lint, # SwiftLint mode: :lint (default) or :autocorrect
raise_if_swiftlint_error: true, # Allow fastlane to raise an error if swiftlint fails
ignore_exit_status: true # Allow fastlane to continue even if SwiftLint returns a non-zero exit status
excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`.
- Carthage
- Pods