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Created July 27, 2021 02:23
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import React from 'react';
const SettingsGearIcon = () => {
return (
viewBox='0 0 60 64'
d='M27.7159 6.1C29.2357 5.96788 30.7641 5.96788 32.2839 6.1C32.4279 6.112 32.7159 6.244 32.8319 6.684L33.9879 11.104C34.5759 13.344 36.1879 14.972 37.9759 15.86C38.6719 16.204 39.3399 16.592 39.9799 17.02C41.6479 18.132 43.8599 18.712 46.0999 18.1L50.5079 16.888C50.9479 16.768 51.2079 16.952 51.2879 17.072C52.1639 18.312 52.9279 19.636 53.5799 21.028C53.6359 21.152 53.6679 21.468 53.3439 21.788L50.0839 25.012C48.4399 26.636 47.8359 28.84 47.9639 30.836C48.0131 31.6112 48.0131 32.3888 47.9639 33.164C47.8359 35.16 48.4399 37.364 50.0839 38.988L53.3439 42.212C53.6639 42.532 53.6359 42.848 53.5799 42.972C52.9338 44.3568 52.1669 45.682 51.2879 46.932C51.2079 47.048 50.9439 47.228 50.5079 47.112L46.0959 45.9C43.8599 45.288 41.6479 45.868 39.9799 46.98C39.3399 47.408 38.6719 47.796 37.9799 48.14C36.1839 49.028 34.5759 50.652 33.9879 52.896L32.8319 57.316C32.7159 57.756 32.4279 57.888 32.2839 57.9C30.7641 58.0317 29.2357 58.0317 27.7159 57.9C27.5719 57.888 27.2839 57.752 27.1679 57.316L26.0119 52.896C25.4239 50.656 23.8119 49.028 22.0239 48.14C21.3317 47.7967 20.6623 47.4093 20.0199 46.98C18.3519 45.868 16.1399 45.288 13.8999 45.9L9.49187 47.112C9.05187 47.232 8.79187 47.048 8.71187 46.928C7.83305 45.6793 7.06608 44.3555 6.41987 42.972C6.36387 42.848 6.33187 42.532 6.65587 42.212L9.91587 38.988C11.5599 37.364 12.1639 35.16 12.0359 33.164C11.9866 32.3888 11.9866 31.6112 12.0359 30.836C12.1639 28.84 11.5599 26.636 9.91587 25.012L6.65587 21.788C6.33587 21.468 6.36387 21.152 6.41987 21.028C7.0649 19.6426 7.83192 18.3174 8.71187 17.068C8.79187 16.952 9.05587 16.768 9.49187 16.888L13.9039 18.1C16.1399 18.712 18.3519 18.132 20.0199 17.02C20.6599 16.592 21.3279 16.204 22.0199 15.86C23.8159 14.972 25.4239 13.348 26.0119 11.104L27.1679 6.684C27.2839 6.244 27.5719 6.112 27.7159 6.1ZM29.9999 0C29.0559 0 28.1199 0.04 27.1959 0.12C24.2239 0.38 22.0359 2.58 21.3639 5.164L20.2039 9.588C20.1359 9.852 19.8919 10.22 19.3599 10.484C18.437 10.9408 17.5445 11.4565 16.6879 12.028C16.1959 12.356 15.7559 12.388 15.4879 12.312L11.0799 11.104C8.50387 10.396 5.51187 11.184 3.79987 13.624C2.71976 15.1606 1.77743 16.7896 0.983872 18.492C-0.276128 21.192 0.539871 24.18 2.43587 26.056L5.69587 29.28C5.89587 29.472 6.08787 29.868 6.04787 30.456C5.9825 31.4843 5.9825 32.5157 6.04787 33.544C6.08787 34.132 5.89587 34.528 5.69587 34.72L2.43587 37.944C0.539871 39.82 -0.276128 42.808 0.983872 45.508C1.78387 47.22 2.72787 48.848 3.79987 50.38C5.51187 52.816 8.50387 53.604 11.0799 52.9L15.4919 51.688C15.7559 51.612 16.1959 51.644 16.6879 51.972C17.5399 52.544 18.4319 53.06 19.3599 53.516C19.8919 53.78 20.1359 54.148 20.2079 54.412L21.3639 58.836C22.0399 61.42 24.2239 63.62 27.1959 63.876C29.0617 64.0382 30.9381 64.0382 32.8039 63.876C35.7759 63.62 37.9639 61.42 38.6359 58.836L39.7959 54.412C39.8639 54.148 40.1079 53.78 40.6399 53.516C41.5628 53.0594 42.4554 52.5436 43.3119 51.972C43.8039 51.644 44.2439 51.612 44.5119 51.688L48.9199 52.896C51.4959 53.604 54.4879 52.816 56.1999 50.376C57.2719 48.848 58.2199 47.22 59.0159 45.508C60.2759 42.808 59.4599 39.82 57.5599 37.944L54.3039 34.72C54.1039 34.528 53.9119 34.132 53.9519 33.544C54.0171 32.5157 54.0171 31.4843 53.9519 30.456C53.9119 29.868 54.1079 29.472 54.3039 29.28L57.5599 26.056C59.4599 24.18 60.2759 21.192 59.0159 18.492C58.2222 16.7884 57.2799 15.1581 56.1999 13.62C54.4879 11.184 51.4959 10.396 48.9199 11.1L44.5079 12.312C44.2439 12.388 43.8039 12.356 43.3119 12.028C42.4553 11.4565 41.5628 10.9407 40.6399 10.484C40.1079 10.22 39.8639 9.852 39.7919 9.588L38.6399 5.16C37.9599 2.58 35.7759 0.38 32.8039 0.124C31.8714 0.042153 30.9359 0.000780787 29.9999 0V0ZM35.9999 32C35.9999 33.5913 35.3677 35.1174 34.2425 36.2426C33.1173 37.3679 31.5912 38 29.9999 38C28.4086 38 26.8824 37.3679 25.7572 36.2426C24.632 35.1174 23.9999 33.5913 23.9999 32C23.9999 30.4087 24.632 28.8826 25.7572 27.7574C26.8824 26.6321 28.4086 26 29.9999 26C31.5912 26 33.1173 26.6321 34.2425 27.7574C35.3677 28.8826 35.9999 30.4087 35.9999 32ZM41.9999 32C41.9999 35.1826 40.7356 38.2348 38.4852 40.4853C36.2347 42.7357 33.1825 44 29.9999 44C26.8173 44 23.765 42.7357 21.5146 40.4853C19.2642 38.2348 17.9999 35.1826 17.9999 32C17.9999 28.8174 19.2642 25.7652 21.5146 23.5147C23.765 21.2643 26.8173 20 29.9999 20C33.1825 20 36.2347 21.2643 38.4852 23.5147C40.7356 25.7652 41.9999 28.8174 41.9999 32Z'
export default SettingsGearIcon;
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