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Last active June 7, 2023 13:44
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function Remove-GraphGroupMember {
Removes Members from Azure AD Security Group or Microsoft 365 Group
Removes Members from Azure AD Security Group or Microsoft 365 Group
This is the User's ID. This is the user to be removed from the group
This is the Group's ID. This is the group from where we want to remove members
.PARAMETER InputObject
This is the pipeline input.
Remove-GraphGroupMember -UserID 7cb1e5fe-abcd-4579-a158-7a046d004ad4 -GroupID 47d34d2f-abcd-468b-aaf8-d342f29f56e5
Import-Csv .\RemoveFromGroup.csv | Remove-GraphGroupMember -GroupID e1a8c7fd-abcd-4e85-8c62-c20b9f3b2d80 | Export-Csv .\Log.csv -nti
The minimum data in the csv file should be ID. These represent each the ID of each member you want to Remove from the group.
Example CSV:
if using a csv:
Department EmployeeID givenName surname mail DisplayName Id
Marketing 1201440 Test 101 Test 101 27511368-abcd-4584-bfee-b55ebabc180c
Marketing 1201440 Test 102 Test 102 feb8188a-abcd-4379-81e7-0cf40a0543d4
Marketing 1201440 Test 103 Test 103 362e0092-abcd-4fc7-8a94-f5b9bb9e2ac0
Marketing 1201440 Test 104 Test 104 3ea5eb9b-abcd-4ac5-bc1d-b0afa2a2a2bb
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'individual', Mandatory)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'pipeline', Mandatory)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'individual')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'pipeline', ValueFromPipeline)]
begin {
if ([datetime]::UtcNow -ge $RefreshTime) { Connect-GraphRefresh }
$RestSplat = @{
Uri = "{0}/members/{1}/`$ref" -f $GroupID, $UserId
Headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $Script:Token" }
Method = 'DELETE'
Verbose = $false
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
try {
$null = Invoke-RestMethod @RestSplat
Write-Verbose ('Success:{0}' -f $UserId)
catch {
Write-Verbose ('Failed:{0}' -f $UserId)
process {
foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
if ([datetime]::UtcNow -ge $RefreshTime) { Connect-GraphRefresh }
$RestSplat = @{
Uri = "{0}/members/{1}/`$ref" -f $GroupID, $item.Id
Headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $Script:Token" }
Method = 'DELETE'
Verbose = $false
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
try {
$null = Invoke-RestMethod @RestSplat
Write-Verbose ('Success:{0}' -f $item.Id)
Action = 'Remove Member'
Result = 'SUCCESS'
User = $item.Id
Group = $GroupID
catch {
Write-Verbose ('Failed:{0}' -f $item.Id)
Action = 'Remove Member'
Result = 'FAILED'
User = $item.Id
Group = $GroupID
Log = $_
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