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Created April 14, 2016 17:29
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Table "public.users"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | text |
email | text | not null
password | text |
createdAt | timestamp with time zone |
updatedAt | timestamp with time zone |
facebookId | text |
facebookToken | text |
isDriver | boolean |
isPacker | boolean |
isOps | boolean |
isAdmin | boolean |
phoneNumber | text |
phoneNumberVerified | boolean | not null default false
paymentStatus | text |
customerId | text |
referralCode | text |
volumeTier | text |
photoId | text |
photoPath | text |
volumeTierOverride | text |
senderName | text |
feedLastReadAt | timestamp with time zone |
postCode | text |
lastPlatform | text |
completedPickupCount | integer | not null default 0
lastAlertedAt | timestamp with time zone |
ambassadorPromoCodeId | text |
username | text |
isPrivate | boolean | not null default false
sentReferralId | text |
marketingAttributionId | text |
"username_unique_lowercase" UNIQUE, btree (lower(username))
"users_email_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (email)
"users_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (id)
"users_referralCode_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree ("referralCode")
"users_lower_email" btree (lower(email))
"users_lower_id" btree (lower(id))
"users_lower_referralcode" btree (lower("referralCode"))
Check constraints:
"nonnegative_completedpickupcount" CHECK ("completedPickupCount" >= 0)
"username_length" CHECK (char_length(username) <= 20)
"username_minimum_length" CHECK (char_length(username) >= 3)
"username_valid_characters" CHECK (username ~ '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'::text)
Foreign-key constraints:
"users_ambassadorPromoCodeId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("ambassadorPromoCodeId") REFERENCES promocodes(id) DEFERRABLE
"users_marketingAttributionId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("marketingAttributionId") REFERENCES marketingattributions(id) DEFERRABLE
"users_sentReferralId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("sentReferralId") REFERENCES sentreferrals(id)
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